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Thread: Advice on cutting cycle

  1. #1

    Advice on cutting cycle

    22 years old
    1 cycle Test E + Dbol still on. Last week though
    Training little over a yr 1yr 2months... Dont flame
    Weight is 247 now at around 10-11% bf...

    I dont have any recent pics been keeping covered until I get ready for my show. Im wanting to run this cycle while dieting for a show Aug 13th...

    D-bol (weeks 1 - 4) @ 40mg/ed
    Test-Prop (weeks 1 - 12) @ 75mg/ed or 150mg/eod
    Winstrol (weeks 7 - 12.5) @ 50mg/ed
    A-dex (weeks 1 - 12) @ 0.25mg/eod

    Weeks 6 - 12 you could also add in T3 and clen.

    T3 for 6 weeks straight leading up to competition... doses would range between 25 - 100mcg each day.

    For the clen would run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 2 weeks on. Taper up and from 40mcg/ed to a max dose of 140mcg/ed.

    How does that look? And if you can outline it better, just let me know. Still reading more and more on all this stuff.

    Also I have on HgH in human grade on hand. But im not really sure if im willing to use that right now at my age, and im not sure on where to add it in at and doses... Id want a low dose like no more than 4iu

  2. #2
    got this of me just dicking around in the gym one late night. 246ish here... Couldnt figure out how to embed on this forum

    And then these were taken at 240-241

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    looking good brother.

    are you aware of time on = time off.

    so eg. your cycle 12 weeks plus 4 weeks pct. you should be off cycle for at least 16 weeks. .

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    looking good brother.

    are you aware of time on = time off.

    so eg. your cycle 12 weeks plus 4 weeks pct. you should be off cycle for at least 16 weeks. .
    yeah im aware. Ill have 12 weeks off between cycles I believe. Id have to get my notebook out the car to check, buts its a good amount of time

  5. #5
    Nothing no help?

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