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Thread: 3rd cycle... Helpp??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Smile 3rd cycle... Helpp??


    About to start my 3rd cycle...

    Prior to this I have ran two cycles already:

    Cycle 1

    One Rip 200 @ 1ml daily for 8 weeks
    Naposim 5mg @ 50mg daily for 8weeks
    Anavar 50 @ 50mg daily for 8 weeks

    Clomid and Nolva as PCT

    Cycle 2

    Test Prop @ 100mg daily for 12 weeks
    Trenbolone Acetate @ 50mg daily for 12 weeks
    Anavar 50 @ 50mg daily for 12 weeks
    Dianabol for first 4 weeks to kick start @ 50mg daily

    Ran Tamoxifen and clomid as PCT on this course

    I have gained great lean muscle gains of these courses and my diet and supplements so far...

    Now however I want to go largee and add some big big mass then run cycle 2 as cycle 4 after this one I have in mind...

    Cycle 3

    12 week duration -

    Deca @ 400mg per week
    Test ethanate @ 500mg per week
    Oxymetholone at 100mg daily for 12 weeks

    Running Milk thistle to help protect liver from oxymeth damage

    Starting 3 weeks after last Deca injection
    Clomid @ 150mg first day, 100mg daily next twoo weeks, 50mg daily last two week
    Nolvadex @ 100mg first day, 50mg daily next two weeks, 25mg daily last two weeks

    Just wanna know peoples thoughts, cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    what are your stats?

    I guess u should add HCG to ur cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    cycle 2 was hefty, how did you like that?

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    100mgs of Anadrol for 12 weeks? Milk Thistle isnt a miracle, no way would I ever subject my liver to that. If you want to make it more potent bump of the test and/or deca some.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic_Minds View Post
    what are your stats?

    I guess u should add HCG to ur cycle

    Age: 23

    Height: 5ft6 (1.71m)

    Weight: 167lb

    And yeah ive been looking into the Hcg hormone, i think i will have to get some


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    what do you eat? or do you intentionally try to stay that light?

    you look pretty cut in your avi, but i would imagine you should probably weight a little more than that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    was fine I suppose, sex drive was immense and I seemed to have absolutly loads of energy all the time, sometimes I had a few sleepless night which I think was due to the tren and initially due to the pain from the prop. also i had very oily skin from about week 4, particularly on my back which did cause an outbreak of spots but these cleared after a few sunbed sessions.

    I was pinning in 4 sites and at first each jab was a bit sore but I seemed to get used to the prop and i never had any problem after the first week and a half.

    Another problem I got however was the muscles in my jaw were feeling pumped all the time from straining and gritting my teeth in the gym lol... this went down when I obviously stoppeed doing it haha

    Was a bit of a hard time during PCT aswel, i felt like a lump of crap all the time and had to force myself to the gym, only lasted a week or so tho, so all was good

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vullfromsc View Post
    what do you eat? or do you intentionally try to stay that light?

    you look pretty cut in your avi, but i would imagine you should probably weight a little more than that

    8am: 4 egg whites, 1 hole egg... 4 capsules of creatine
    9am: CNP Pentipeptide Protein Shake, Oats and banana.
    12am: Chicken Breast (cooked with virgin olive oil), wholewheat pasta steamed veg bag
    3pm: tin of tuna, rice and peas... (tuna with a sprinkle of extra virgin olive oil)
    4:30pm: Pro G.F protein shake
    5:15pm: Pro Slam

    5:15pm - 6:15pm TRAIN

    7pm: Wholemeal bread and sliced turkey breast / tin of beans or sweetcorn

    9:30pm: CNP Pro pentipeptide


    That was my diet mainly on my cycle, obviously swapping a few compounds when i got sick of tuna and chicken i was having turkey etc etc

    this avatar pic is two year old, i will upload new ones tommorow

    and yeah on the previous cycles i took i didnt want to gain loads of mass i just wanted to gradually build good lean muscle and stay cut
    Last edited by syke1988; 01-14-2011 at 08:13 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy View Post
    100mgs of Anadrol for 12 weeks? Milk Thistle isnt a miracle, no way would I ever subject my liver to that. If you want to make it more potent bump of the test and/or deca some.
    I know, i wouldnt do it again - not faor 12 weeks anyway, probably only 4... they are toxic!

    and thanks

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Golden state
    What are your goals? Do u want to get heavier or just cut up because you need more calories in the diet if you want to get bigger. Also running that second cycle how long did u wait until u cycled again?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    What are your goals? Do u want to get heavier or just cut up because you need more calories in the diet if you want to get bigger. Also running that second cycle how long did u wait until u cycled again?
    my goal from previous cycles was to add as much lean muscle in 8-12 weeks I could and given the surplus of my diet i aimed for 14lb, rougly per cycle..

    I waited around 13 weeks after my first cycle to start my second

    this cycle however im looking for a good bulking cycle to gain a lot of mass and weight which i can then hopefully run another prop cycle and cut up the bulk into big, solid ripped gains

    Im currently constructing my diet to suit around the basis of:

    Protein: 250g a day
    Carbs: 500g a day
    Fat: 60-70g
    Calories: around 3500 spread through the day

    hopefully to gain some bulk, i will also be changing my supplements about and getting some cnp promass etcetc

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

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