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Thread: 300 mg test enough for old athlete....

  1. #1

    300 mg test enough for old athlete....


    Asked a question earlier, didn't get an answer.

    Been well over a decade since I ran a cycle. And the only one I ever did was 20 days. I was an athlete in college and a teammate laced me up with a few shots one offseason. Didn't really do much.

    Anyway, would 300 mg for 10 weeks started now be ok to heal me? I hit a wall and can't heal. Almost 33 years old and feared this day would come my whole life.

    2nd part of question. Can I take another 300mg for 10 weeks in like 6 months and still get enough results that I want. Which is basically healing.

    I am not doing Test for size. I am JACKED already. I just want to heal and be able to fill in my trouble spots with proportionate muscle, like I usually can really EASILY.



    p.s. i'm 6' 230-240, 14-17% in bulking months.

    p.s.s. My diet is perfect & has been for a LONG LONG time. I've lifted since age 12 btw. And yes I have pct.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    S. California
    What do you mean "heal" you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I didn't know that 33 was old....

    I have no idea what you are talking about- healing what? filling in what?

    Test will not heal anything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    OK I just read your other post.

    Get some blood work done and see where you are. You should not do a cycle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    OK I just read your other post.

    Get some blood work done and see where you are. You should not do a cycle.
    I have Zero insurance, or I would be on shots from the Dr. about 6 months ago when I stopped recovering from workouts. Recovering might be better than the word healing.

    I'm a stud, I won't beat around the bush about it. And for the first time, I can't recover, can't just add a little muscle here or there (fill in). Like I usually can just throw some on my anterior delt if it's laggin' in a few weeks. Or, like posterior delt, I could work out a few weeks & it fills out.

    My legs not doing well, I do exercise for a certain muscle, & boom it comes. First time in my life, I'm not the genetic freak that everyone calls me. I feel like I'm 50.

    Today is Monday, I still haven't recovered/healed from last Monday's leg workout. This never happens. So, I keep putting extra days on all my body parts. Instead of doing a body part a week, like always. I stretch it to like 8-10 days. That is not working.

    I know pro bodybuilders & nationally ranked champions/pros. I used to be manager at a Gold's gym. So I know my juice is legit and the good stuff.

    I know you say, DO NOT do a cycle. But I can't hit the Dr. I am 55k in debt from the economy collapse and just can't afford it.

    I think a low dose wouldn't do me any harm.

    Question is, will 300 a week now work enough to get me through workouts and have fast recovery. And will the same cycle still be effective later on in summer? I know the body gets used to it, but at my age and low dose and symptoms, it seems I would benefit.

    Again, I am not afraid of 500mg cycle, but I have plenty of muscle and size. I just can't recover.

    Thanks again,


  6. #6
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    Well I think you should take a fortnight to 3 weeks off totally. The only exercise you should do is walking. Keep a clean diet as well.

    You are burnt out!

  7. #7
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    I agree with paul zane..... it sounds to me like your body needs a break. It sucks.... I just came to terms with this myself.

    I would try that before you start cycling..... here's why......

    If you run a 300mg/wk test only cycle - you're going to come off and hit PCT. By shutting down your natural production (which sounds to be great) - you're risking it not recovering fully. Everyone responds differently ofcoarse..... but if your test levels don't return to the levels they're at now..... your goals may become more difficult.

    Now if you wanted to put on more size...... i'd say you sound ready to cycle. You've got a great base..... you already know what works for you (diet and training wise) but for what you are trying to achieve..... i don't think it's necessary to be honest.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Well I think you should take a fortnight to 3 weeks off totally. The only exercise you should do is walking. Keep a clean diet as well.

    You are burnt out!
    Well, I appreciate your honesty. But I already took off 2 1/2 weeks over the holidays all while eating like a HORSE. I figured I'd rest an eat like an animal & when I returned after my break/holidays and continued my bulk, I'd be back to my old self.

    Not the case. I just got back from the gym. My military press(behind head) is down about 20-40 lbs from 6-12 months ago reps. Shoot, the weight I did today, I could have done after a year lay off on the first day or 2nd workout. Messing with my psyche bigtime.

    It's not only the gym. I coach Varsity high school football (wide-receivers) and this season I had trouble running around with the players and had trouble keeping up my energy. So, it's not just the gym. I also am starting my flag football league again soon and I am worried people are expecting me bring out the old skills, but that's what they are going to get, "OLD skills." I just don't feel right.

    I definately need to hit the Dr. But I can't afford it, or the shots he would give me.



  9. #9
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    Doesnt sound quite right to me.. wanting to cycle so you can bring out the old player in your flag football. Dude, Im 38 and I have never felt younger. I am 8 weeks post cycle and 2 weeks off pct. My energy levels are still up there and only today I thought "I have never felt better". I do things now that I didn't do just 6 years ago. Lifes too important to cycle for flag football. Do it for your sex drive, do it for "future competitions" but flag football? C'mon.

  10. #10
    haha, i'm not cycling for flag football. but....thx for your input anyway.

    that was just a comment i threw in there. read it all & my other post before you mistakenly make a comment like that.

    your talking about cycling, i don't get what your beef is?

    that's what i'm trying to do for my body and the gym.

    i dont' care what you did 6 years ago, you prolly couldn't lift more than me when when your "on" & I'm natural.

    I just hit a wall finally. thought over 30 year olds would know what i'm going through. but i guess not.


    p.s. what kind of douche-bag would cycle for flag football. & even worse, what kind of douche-bag would think an X professional boxer & d-1 college strong safety would even consider that. get your facts straight.
    Last edited by meatball2011; 01-17-2011 at 05:23 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I agree with paul zane..... it sounds to me like your body needs a break. It sucks.... I just came to terms with this myself.

    I would try that before you start cycling..... here's why......

    If you run a 300mg/wk test only cycle - you're going to come off and hit PCT. By shutting down your natural production (which sounds to be great) - you're risking it not recovering fully. Everyone responds differently ofcoarse..... but if your test levels don't return to the levels they're at now..... your goals may become more difficult.

    Now if you wanted to put on more size...... i'd say you sound ready to cycle. You've got a great base..... you already know what works for you (diet and training wise) but for what you are trying to achieve..... i don't think it's necessary to be honest.

    thanks man for your consideration & time to answer. I agree with everything you say. But if you read my other replys, I can't visit Dr.

    I am starting my cycle Monday. Still up in the air of whether to do 300 for 10w & another 300 for 10 if I feel symptons later in summer. OR, if I should just sack up and run the 500 for 12 weeks.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatball2011 View Post
    haha, i'm not cycling for flag football. but....thx for your input anyway.

    that was just a comment i threw in there. read it all & my other post before you mistakenly make a comment like that.

    your talking about cycling, i don't get what your beef is?

    that's what i'm trying to do for my body and the gym.

    i dont' care what you did 6 years ago, you prolly couldn't lift more than me when when your "on" & I'm natural.

    I just hit a wall finally. thought over 30 year olds would know what i'm going through. but i guess not.


    p.s. what kind of douche-bag would cycle for flag football. & even worse, what kind of douche-bag would think an X professional boxer & d-1 college strong safety would even consider that. get your facts straight.
    You come for answers and argue (on the net of all places lol) when given an answer your not right with. I don't care that you could lift more than me... you probably can. Congrats.... but hey, I'm not a big fan of flag football.. seems like a sausage fest.. but that's JMHO. I've never cared about what "other men" thought of my appearance or performance for that matter...but it's 2011... to each their own.

    Play on, playa!

  13. #13
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    Well Stud, no offence, but it reads like you may have taken to many head shots in your sporting career

    What happens after you do your healing 10 week (bandaid) cycle and don't recover?

    As Paul said, you do sound burnt out, but you also sound like your Test levesl could be low....

    I see that you are going to do the cycle anyway....I've no idea as to why you even asked the questions.

  14. #14

    i played college football douche-bag, PAC-10, enough said.

    Last edited by meatball2011; 01-17-2011 at 07:18 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    wow so aggressive meatball its great you have a perfect diet and that you know how to train its just they are offering there opinion as it is a forum i would suggest getting your blood work done before cycle to see whats going on...

  16. #16
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    Try a good detox/cleanse with light workouts. I am 37 and an ex college athlete as well. When I feel like that I fast for a day or two then eat nothing but fruit and leafy greens for a solid week. if u need to you can throw in some other veggies for more carbs.

    After that I feel like a million bucks with heightened senses and all

  17. #17
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    I ate honey nut cheerios this morning... WITHOUT a spoon!

    What's your point bro? Stick to the topic.. I get it. I understand your need to be around men and have their approval.. Only child? Lack of male affection?.. I get it. Now if you want help with the issues you've mentioned.. stick to the topic.

  18. #18
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    i really think this is some lying kid, just read some of this crap

  19. #19

    At least you make some sense. Just want an opinion on if the 2nd cycle at 300mg for 10w as you say "bandaid" me again in June. I like that term, haha, i'll take it and flip it a lil'.

    I'm just really frustrated, & if I seem edgy, that's why, I apologize. Truthly, yes, I'm going to start a cycle next Monday. Your input or opinion would be appreciated as I am going to lawn dart myself.

    I honestly believe, with my diet, my dedication and workout knowledge I will be able to make some good gains. If I'm able to recover fast. I WILL work out like a mother f'kn beast everyday. I can eat like no one can. I've never met anyone that can eat with me. 350lbs lineman included. I am also confident that my pct and recovery will be ok because of my diet and work ethic I've had since I was 5.

    You are right, maybe I was burnt out a little. I took a break for weeks & ate like Arnold. I shortened my workout week. I changed it up. Did less sets. Tweaked diet. Tried new supps. Everything. I worked out today. Earlier post I stated my military was weak. Well, along with it being week, as I type this, my upper back is SO sore like I did back yesterday. But it was 5 days ago.

    I know my body VERY well. I'd be in the 220-230s during football & in the offseason, I'd be boxing in the 170s & 180s. As I got even older, at like 27 fighting out of Los Angeles, I got down to 181 & when I retired, I hit the gym an I got to 248 in 2 1/2 months. I can throw my weight around easy. I can gain 16lbs in one day & step in the ring after weigh in. I showed my buddy last year cause he didn't believe me when I told him that. I dieted a few days, & gained 16lbs in 1 day & he weighed me both mornings. If you remember, Arturo Gatti used to gain 17lbs in 1 day. So, I'm not bullshittin.

    Now, I can't gain a freakin' lbs of muscle and I'm not close to how heavy I have been before in bulk season. I have tried every diet possible.

    I have thrown up, bled and kept going my whole life 100 miles an hour. But now, I lost it. I need some help. I'm lost without challenging myself. The gym is my new sport.


  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by da11 View Post
    Try a good detox/cleanse with light workouts. I am 37 and an ex college athlete as well. When I feel like that I fast for a day or two then eat nothing but fruit and leafy greens for a solid week. if u need to you can throw in some other veggies for more carbs.

    After that I feel like a million bucks with heightened senses and all
    thanks for your honesty and experienced response without ridicule. Yea dude, I have tried that and everything. 37 must be rough, I talk to guys in the gym that are about your age and older. Most of them do a cycle a year, or take something once in a while. Most pro athletes do around 34-39 as well. If i was pro, I probably would be too. But my shoulders and knee problems didn't let me play at the highest level. Thanks again. I will try what you suggested again, before I stab myself.



  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i really think this is some lying kid, just read some of this crap
    hehe, I wish I was a kid right now. Fall off your bike and just get back on it real fast. Play all day long and never get sore or tired. Would be hot.

  22. #22

    actually you're the tool. me and my dad are homies. I coach varsity football and am living legend.

    I live in hollywood hills & work in newport beach. Don't worry about me kid. find another

    post. i have a serious issue

    maybe come to the 310 & see if you'd like to jump in the ring with me at my gym? fun to give clowns lessons. haha
    Last edited by meatball2011; 01-17-2011 at 07:49 PM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatball2011 View Post

    actually you're the tool. me and my dad are homies. I coach varsity football and am living legend.

    I live in hollywood hills & work in newport beach. Don't worry about me kid. find another

    post. i have a serious issue

    maybe come to the 310 & see if you'd like to jump in the ring with me at my gym? fun to give clowns lessons. haha

    Unfortunately, with all due respect on this one. Like always, guys like you eventually end up putting their foot in their mouth or I put it there for them. I have instructed MMA for 9 1/2 years. I returned from training in Brazil 5 months ago. I actually respect boxers. I have started my own association in Canada that you may hear of some time soon. If I had a nickel for every time I've been invited into the ring with a "boxer".... take care, I'm done with you.

  24. #24
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    actually you're the tool. me and my dad are homies. I coach varsity football. Am a stock broker, live in hollywood hills & work in newport beach. Dont' worry about me kid. find another post. i have a serious issue.

    You certainly do

  25. #25
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    OP, your sounding like a trolling clown and you wont get any help here with your attitude

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