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Thread: first cycle arguement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    first cycle arguement

    Okay so I have advise my friend to take test E at 500mg for 12 weeks. He has other friends that are telling him he needs to stack it with deca for his first cycle. This is where I am confused. Why would you advise a new user to stack? Deca was one of 2 products recommended, the second.... was winstrol!!! I said hell no

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Well we agree with you bro, its not us that you need to convince...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Most would advise to start with the Test E only at 500mg for 12 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tell him to come here and we will straighten this out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    500mg test enth or cyp for 10-12 weeks for a first cycle is plenty and should get great gains providing diet ect is good. No need for anymore than that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Well we agree with you bro, its not us that you need to convince...
    said in such a soothing manner

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    i did deca and test my first cycle and had no problems.. Most the guys on here will play the conservative route and say test only... but truth is 9 out of 10 people (if not less) will not have any negative side effects taking a small dose of deca along with their test, especially if they have joint pain since deca helps with problems such as shoulder pain etc.. If he was to do it i recomend he only do it weeks 1-10 at 300mg a week. Winstrol is only worth using if he is really low in BF, otherwise it is a waste of time.

  8. #8
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    His reasoning for stacking is because someone told him to because he will put on more size. I told him he would have similar results with a huge caloric intake and test E. I told him to come here and have a debate lol. I believe he has made up his mind and wants to stack so if that is the case you are suggesting I have him shorten to 10 weeks if he uses both then 500 test E and 300 Deca/wk? I will let him decide Im not going to tell him no lol, its his body. I think that sounds like a good second cycle.

    Thanks everyone for the reassurance.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    no.. only run Deca 10 weeks so he can start PCT at same time.. remember Deca lasts much longer than any test does.. You are probably right.. just for conversation sake lets say he was to gain 12lbs out of this cycle.. if he was to include deca he might gain another 3-5lbs due to it's anabolic properties.. It all comes down to choice.. my last cycle i did the Deca was fake, i could tell it was fake mid cycle cause i was getting joint pain s that shopuld have gone away and didn't keep the percentage of gains i normally would have.. Deca just builds muscles a little faster/more efficiently, and at a low dose it probably will not hurt him.. It is not recomended, but it is not gonig to kill/harm him.. The main issue you will get with people on Deca is Deca Dick.. and with 500mg test over 300mg deca he should be fine.. Test is mainly androgenic and deca anabolic, that is why it is the "peanut butter and jelly" of the steroid world. The test gives you good strength gains and builds muscle and burns fat.. Deca just builds muscle, thats it, so it is just like having another crane on the construction yard.. if the building materials are not there it won't do you any better to have two cranes.. but if they are there, it will get built faster/better/bigger. I would not advice people stacking anything else on their first cycle because i have no experience with anything else and will not advise on what i have no experience on.. but i personally did deca and test my first cycle as well as at least fifteen other guys i did it with in college and none of us ever had any problems... The question on if it was necessary or not?? I do not know, perhaps i would have gained the same with out it.. but it certainly didn't hurt..

    my first cycle was 600mg test 300mg deca, so was my second, and my third was 600/400.. but as i stated i recon the deca was fake in my last one..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Youll more than likely gain more size with deca alone than test alone but no one will recommend that because most guys like to use their penis from time to time. Doing both on first cycle will prb be fine but if you want to do it safely you should start out slow and with one compound.

  11. #11
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    Im sticking to my guns and only advising the Test. like I said if he wants bot, thats on him. Ill give him the recomendation for Deca on a 1st run. Im sure he wont listen to me still though or he would only take test

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Id say 10 weeks. I did 12 and didnt like it. I wish I would have run prop for 8 weeks instead, but then again I was new to pinning. =/

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I just say tenweeks for the deca and 12 for test.. the deca takes a while and should be done for more than 8.. this is assuming you are running Test E.. if Test C run deca 11weeks test 12 weeks.

  14. #14
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I would just go with the test e man. I would stay the hell away from deca. Used it last cycle and now I got the deca dick. Hoping a good PCT will get shit back to normal.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    lol. Ive never had deca dick so I cant say anything bad. I do love deca though. He decided to listen to me! I was relieved. The other party giving advice is a personal trainer and much larger than I am also. I thought for sure he would listen to him over me. 1 Point for the home team

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