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Thread: Actual side effects from first time cycle!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation

    Actual side effects from first time cycle!?

    Hi guys,

    I´ve been considering (talking myself into) doing my first cycle for a few months now.
    I have purchased the goods already according to´s 1´st novice cycle (400 Mgs Cyp/week + 20 mgs Dbol ED/30 days), planning to start in March.
    Lately I find myself starting to talk myself OUT of doing my first cycle due to all the potential side effects I read from warnings, and scary posts here on this forum.
    However, reading the general warning/side effects of the compounds doesen´t really tell me a whole lot. There are a lot of potential side effects to Tylenol, but I´ve never noticed them :-)
    I´ve been on this forum for weeks, reading all threads, so I pretty much know all there is about doing a cycle, PCT, and so on.
    What I would like to know is; from u guys who have done one or more cycles; after your first cycle, if it looked similar to the one above, what exact side effects did you experience?
    Would I greatly eliminate potential side effects by eliminating Dbol from the cycle?
    I will be on 4iu´s HGH 6 days/week during the cycle. Will this diminish some of the sides?
    Age 42
    Height 6´4
    Weight 225
    BF 14%
    Full head of hair

    Thanks guys..
    Btw...I really like the conservative nature of this forum.
    You are doing a good job in discouraging the too young and the too aggressive users. You are saving lives...really!! The depression following the roid high, and the loss of libido has made several of our "gym brothers" do the unthinkable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    sides are really dependent on the person. you are running a simple cycle, the lower the bf it seems the less sides. So I would spend till march working on lowering that bf%. Run an ai during cycle something to keep estro under control and you should be ok.

    thanks for the nice words regarding the board giving conservative advice and discouraging young people.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    As bjpennn stated sides are person dependent, and yes eliminating compounds from a cycle will ultimately lower potential sides. D-bol can be harsh on the liver and the hair as well as acne. I had good luck with test very little to no sides
    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    had a friend that did the unthinkable right after a cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Hi guys,

    I´ve been considering (talking myself into) doing my first cycle for a few months now.
    I have purchased the goods already according to´s 1´st novice cycle (400 Mgs Cyp/week + 20 mgs Dbol ED/30 days), planning to start in March.
    Lately I find myself starting to talk myself OUT of doing my first cycle due to all the potential side effects I read from warnings, and scary posts here on this forum.
    However, reading the general warning/side effects of the compounds doesen´t really tell me a whole lot. There are a lot of potential side effects to Tylenol, but I´ve never noticed them :-)
    I´ve been on this forum for weeks, reading all threads, so I pretty much know all there is about doing a cycle, PCT, and so on.
    What I would like to know is; from u guys who have done one or more cycles; after your first cycle, if it looked similar to the one above, what exact side effects did you experience?
    Would I greatly eliminate potential side effects by eliminating Dbol from the cycle?
    I will be on 4iu´s HGH 6 days/week during the cycle. Will this diminish some of the sides?
    Age 42
    Height 6´4
    Weight 225
    BF 14%
    Full head of hair

    Thanks guys..
    Btw...I really like the conservative nature of this forum.
    You are doing a good job in discouraging the too young and the too aggressive users. You are saving lives...really!! The depression following the roid high, and the loss of libido has made several of our "gym brothers" do the unthinkable.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    I will eliminate Dbol from my cycle.
    BF at 14% is just a guess, it might be a little exaggerated, probably more like 12%. And in my 4´th week of HGH, I´m getting leaner fast!...while actually putting on a couple of lbs!!
    Sorry to hear about your friend CRO. Through my 25 years in the gym, I´ve heard of a few myself.

    Everybody talks about Test being he bread and butter of any cycle. From what I have read, I agree. However, how come u guys don´t advocate HGH more? I would think HGH would be the bread and butter of any cycle? The muscle building, fat burning, muscle retention effects, the low/no side effects? Sounds to me it should be the base of any cycle..?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I did a cycle of 500mg of test e a week and 50mg of dbol a day and i actually didnt have to bad of side affects. I had no acne and my anger was under control. The only thing that i noticed was i got a few stray hairs on my back and shoulders. I cant complain since im naturaly hairy.

    Like bjbennnn said it prolly depends on the person.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    wow...I guess it really depends on the person!
    Compare yourself with this guy, who posted a tread earlier today:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Some people may not get a lot of sides some may.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Ya like i said before when i was on and when i got off i really didnt have any. yes i did loose a few pounds and my strenght did go down a little but that is natural. Cant expect to keep it all.

    When i was on my cycle my friend was on the same cycle and he stopped taking it after 5 weeks. He hated the way it made him feel and he would get pissed off haha.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    So how much did you gain on the cycle? And how much did u actually keep?

    Did u do any PCT?

    Maybe your friend would have done better without the Dbol...?

  11. #11
    My first cycle was when I was 48. I did a sustanon 250 (500mg/wk) + dbod (40mg/ed for 4 weeks) cycle. My sides were acne at week 5 and hair growth on my belly. I'm pretty hairless so when I started growing hair on my belly my wife thought I was turning into a teddy bear. The acne was the worst. It covered me both front and back. YUKKKKK! I hated it. I did all the dish washing soap, clearsil soap, 5% benzyl peroxide soap, 10% benzyl peroxide soap, homeopathic medicines, exfolient scrubs, etc. The thing that stopped the acne was accutane. That stuff really works. Even after PCT I had one or two acne popping up for about 4 or 5 months. It seems that my returns to "normal" at about 4 to 5 months after PCT. No acne and no noticeable hair growth. Don't worry if you're not back to 100% perfect after PCT. PCT just jump starts your HPTA back towards normal each person seems to follow their own timeline. Good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    If you are 46 have not yet experienced any male pattern balding, well I think your chances are slim that you will experience that side effect. I think at your age, you need to be most concerned with cardiovascular side effects. A close eye on BP, and cholesterol levels needs to be kept. D-bol, if kept modest, it will have modest effect. It can cause dramatic changes in BP overnight, which can be staved off by the use of aromatase inhibitor, but using aromatase inhibitor will have negative effect on cholesterol. A conundrum. The same can be basically be said of test, although, the effects will be slower and take more time do the nature of the ester.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I gained 40 pounds and kepts 20. It did take alot of time to loose it tho.

    PCT: Clomid and Nolvadex

    I dont think it would of mattered cause he is short tempered

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