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Thread: Hey ya'llz, depressing gear cycle here, wanna know the truth: eternal misery???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hey ya'llz, depressing gear cycle here, wanna know the truth: eternal misery???

    191 lbs
    started a cycle.
    wks 1-4 Dbol
    1-12 e
    ok I'm due for 4th injection test e quite soon here (cycle is 250mg e twice a week)
    I've been dealing with depression and miserable mood swing feelings lately. please tell me what i can expect here bro....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    do you have a history of depression or is it just since youv been on cycle?

  3. #3
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    What are your doses?

  4. #4
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    flying from the ashes
    possibly higher estrogen levels, are you taking an AI ?

  5. #5
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    no history of depression. it all hit me friday jan 28th, one week from first injection. for about 24 hours. then yesterday evening for maybe another 12 hours. my doses are 250mg twice a week. 10mg tabs of dbol 4 times a day.
    I'm taking 5 mg tamox twice a day, and 3 drops letro twice a day. should i up the letro?

  6. #6
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    Some people react diffrently while others are the exception. I compare it to antidepressant drugs...for 99% of people they will make them feel better but for a small number of people the drugs will make them feel worse.

    I would recommend going off, starting pct, and figuring out what is causing the depression...steroids dont cause depression but they sure can make it worse if you are genetically prone to it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    thanks awms. that sucks to here, but thanks.

  8. #8
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    Oh wow I just noticed you are taking an insane amount of letro! that is prob the culprit! your taking 5mg tamox and 3 drops of letro twice a day???? At this point you have zero estrogen running through your body bro. letro is strong stuff! 1 dose at 2.5mg a week is enouph to combat any side effects from estrogen and even that is alot of letro. although estrogen can be bad in excess it is still needed for mental health, physical health ect ect....estrogen is your friend not your enemy.

    Stop taking the letro and tamox completely and you will prob start to feel better in a week or so. You should have done more research before starting.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by toooosmall View Post
    no history of depression. it all hit me friday jan 28th, one week from first injection. for about 24 hours. then yesterday evening for maybe another 12 hours. my doses are 250mg twice a week. 10mg tabs of dbol 4 times a day.
    I'm taking 5 mg tamox twice a day, and 3 drops letro twice a day. should i up the letro?
    How much dose is 3 drops of letro?Do you have gyno? I think that is causing the depression....I would try aromasin instead. 12.5mg/EOD.

    I have a short temper, and steroids doesn't help either.

  10. #10
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    Letrozole has a half life of 2-4 days so give it some time.

    Are you taking 2.5mgs 3 times a day?!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Oh wow I just noticed you are taking an insane amount of letro! that is prob the culprit! your taking 5mg tamox and 3 drops of letro twice a day???? At this point you have zero estrogen running through your body bro. letro is strong stuff! 1 dose at 2.5mg a week is enouph to combat any side effects from estrogen and even that is alot of letro. although estrogen can be bad in excess it is still needed for mental health, physical health ect ect....estrogen is your friend not your enemy.

    Stop taking the letro and tamox completely and you will prob start to feel better in a week or so. You should have done more research before starting.
    What he said, toss the letro. Keep it just in case your get severe gyno and need to reverse it.

  12. #12
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    letro has 2.5mg/ml
    I'm taking one tenth of that twice a day.
    that's 0.1 ml twice a day, roughly 3 drops twice a day.
    so, essentially, i'm taking only slightly more than 2.5mg a week as you recommended, maybe about 3mg.
    letro could possibly be a problem, but i just want to make sure you don't think I'm taking ten times as much as i am! lol
    I've read to take 2.5mg per DAY if you need to reverse gyno
    Last edited by toooosmall; 01-31-2011 at 08:44 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by toooosmall View Post
    letro has 2.5mg/ml
    I'm taking one tenth of that twice a day.
    that's 0.1 ml twice a day, roughly 3 drops twice a day.
    so, essentially, i'm taking only slightly more than 2.5mg a week as you recommended, maybe about 3mg.
    letro could possibly be a problem, but i just want to make sure you don't think I'm taking ten times as much as i am! lol
    Haha, glad your not squirting letro habitual. Forget the letro for few weeks, see how that feels on you.

  14. #14
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    Agreed. Axe the letro like it's an ex-wife. That shit is absurdly powerful and (if I'm not mistaken) can completely rid your body of estrogen.

    If you're still depressed, trying ditching the nolvadex as well. You only NEED serms and ai's during your cycle if your prone to gyno or trying to reverse it.

  15. #15
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    cool guys. I'll give that a go then. i do think I'm a little prone to gyno, i think test boosters gave me some gyno before

  16. #16
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    I also would like to point out that it is pointless to take nolva with letro because letro completely stops your body from producing estrogen while nolvadex blocks estrogen from binding with your receptor sites (essentially while on nolvadex your body still produces estrogen it just can use it).

    never take the two together or your just wasting your money.

    In the future just run 10mg of nolva a day or 20mg eod and you shouldnt have any gyno issues if you are prone.

  17. #17
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    good point awms. i don't know why people recommended both at the same time either.

  18. #18
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    ive never taken letro myself but have read on here tht it can make you feel like sh1t. why are you taking it anyhow, its more of a last ditch drug to get shot of gyno after cycle and if its a big prob

  19. #19
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    ^^^^I started taking it because i was recommended to get an AI to use on cycle, and I couldn't afford Aromasin at the time. but maybe letro is the cause of this.

  20. #20
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    Letro made me feel like horse poop. And I only took for about 3-4 days.

  21. #21
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    i stopped the letro, since yesterday. if just horsepoop is what I'm experiencing, I want it gone. I'd call it "intense misery" instead. and I'm one that has enjoyed (stess the word "ENJOYED") all illegal drugs I've ever tried, from pot to crack to heroin to Lsd and pcp, but the one i had the most hope in lately, e, so far is making me wonder wtf

  22. #22
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    WTF??? if you are taking other drugs than surely that is the culprit.

  23. #23
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    woah, bro, no...i ain't had nuthin else for years. i guess at my age etc i take it as a given, but, no, almost all of my drug use was in the 80's and early 90's. I was only making the point that i am having negative experiences with test e.

  24. #24
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    hahaha, yea, sorry, god, i read what machine150 read, and yea, i can see why he got the impression he did!! noooo, I haven't messed with drugs for a LONG time, I was only trying to describe the emotional state i was in on those drugs. and it was by far a poor choice of words when i said "the one i had the most hope in lately, e..."(etc). that involved satire or whatever ya wanna call it. but, for the record, no, I'm not lookin for some happy drug, as it looks like in that paragraph. the more i try to explain myself, maybe the worse it looks?? maybe i look like some druggy?? i don't know. but if people suspect so, i hope they question me instead of assuming things and/or gossiping. no, not lookin for a high, just a better sculpted body, with peace of mind

  25. #25
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    It's definitely the letro homie. Did the same thing to me.

  26. #26
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    cool. well, i mean, that's good to know. what were you dosing? and did you stop all together?

  27. #27
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    Since youre only on the second week of test e it is just starting to hit you...and letro can be extremely rough while you aren't on cycle from what I've heard.

    I'm no expert but it seems to me that since it is still early in the cycle, the test hasn't raised your estrogen levels yet. So basically the letro is just murdering your natural estrogen, which is crucial to health and well being.

    Anybody feel free to school me if I'm wrong...

  28. #28
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    sound like sound advice.
    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Some people react diffrently while others are the exception. I compare it to antidepressant drugs...for 99% of people they will make them feel better but for a small number of people the drugs will make them feel worse.

    I would recommend going off, starting pct, and figuring out what is causing the depression...steroids dont cause depression but they sure can make it worse if you are genetically prone to it.

  29. #29
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    I feel much better today. it may have been the letro. or simply my body reacting to the shock of having test for the first time. but I'll stay away from the letro, and consider experimenting to see if it was the letro or not. such as taking it in a couple weeks and seeing what happens. anyhow, i appreciate everyone's help here. its nice to have a peaceful mind again.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I thought depression kicked in after a cycle

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