So I've done my share of research on Cycles & PCT and I think I got those two things down. Now I'm more concerned with how to take care of my body while juicin' up. I've done research on a whole lot of natural supps that bodybuilders often take but which are the best? And when is the best time to take them? During Cycles? During PCT? Or all the time???
-Vitamin E
-Milk Thistle
-Saw Palmetto
-Vitamin B-6
-ZMA (Zinc & Magnesium)
-Alpha Lipoic Acid
I know what the benefits of some of them are, like Milk Thistle helps detoxify the liver but I'm not sure if I just take it during PCT??? And Vitamin B-6 was highly recommended to take while Cycling but I'm not sure what it's benefits are?
Appreciate all the help I could get.