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Thread: Anavar + Superdrol/M-DROL

  1. #1

    Anavar + Superdrol/M-DROL

    Would those two be okay to run together?. Going by all the info i have read about both of these, they would seem to complement each other quite well! Any info you need from me dont hesitate to ask!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Two oral compounds will be very harsh on the liver, definitely wouldn't stack the way I wouldnt touch either of these until you are the appropriate age because a cycle like this will shut you down hard

  3. #3
    Im 24 this year brah. I know that orals are hard on the liver(But all info i have read on anavar says its mild) only superdrol is very harsh on the liver. But could that be over come with a liver support?

    Also whats a cycle of anavar like? Cant seem to find anything with cycle details....
    Last edited by The Frame; 01-31-2011 at 04:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    2 orals together. superdrol will rock you buy itself....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    2 orals together. superdrol will rock you buy itself....
    x 2 also. Superdrol/mdrol and anavar are 2 totally different compounds. SD/md mainly for bulking and var the exact opposite. I have heard guys saying that they have better results with superdrol than a simple test cycle. However, sd can have some pretty nasty sides...

    I personally ran anavar last year and loved it! I also ran the less powerful hdrol a few years before that and had good results......BUT my gains would have been better if I had my diet tweaked a bit more and dropped my bf before starting......

    Both need support for bp, liver, choles, prostate, etc. But superdroll would need a little more aggressive pct......hope this helps!

  7. #7
    They say to run anavar with something else. Like you said SD/md gets you bigger while var cuts you down while adds firmness(im sure??) So wouldnt that make you looked jacked as ****?. Also apart from the damage it could do to your liver, which could be canceled out if you have a liver support??? What else could happen? Plus going the product and varies websites i have read about it, it says it does not cause aromatization and var is very mid on your body(no conversion - low) So what PCT's would be required to be run after it? Maybe just a test booster???

    Can i name the product i have? Not the company name, but the name of their product. eg say i had Microsoft Xp. Can i just say i have XP?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    No offense bro but you need to do your research properly...seems like you don't know what's going on at all

  9. #9
    I have read most info on anavar(most sites are just copy and pasted). So please aware me(this is why i made the thread, to inform myself). I know they are two different. But it was just a thought, cause one cuts other bulks(i do know that to bulk one must eat more and to cut one has to cut down). Thought it could kill two birds with one stone.

    So please inform me, will only make me better on the subject.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    i would have to say this is a toxic combo . id run 1 or the other but im not recommending you 2.ive thought about h-drol/test -e using h-drol at the front 4 weeks at 50 mg. tring to keep estrogen low h-drol is a better choice than d-bol.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Frame View Post
    They say to run anavar with something else. Like you said SD/md gets you bigger while var cuts you down while adds firmness(im sure??) So wouldnt that make you looked jacked as ****?. Also apart from the damage it could do to your liver, which could be canceled out if you have a liver support??? What else could happen? Plus going the product and varies websites i have read about it, it says it does not cause aromatization and var is very mid on your body(no conversion - low) So what PCT's would be required to be run after it? Maybe just a test booster???

    Can i name the product i have? Not the company name, but the name of their product. eg say i had Microsoft Xp. Can i just say i have XP?

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