does the letro pct come with a measuring device? i see that its 2.5 mg/ml and i only want .5 mg ed so i was wondering if it had an eye drop or just use my pin plunger to measure? it is oral, correct?
does the letro pct come with a measuring device? i see that its 2.5 mg/ml and i only want .5 mg ed so i was wondering if it had an eye drop or just use my pin plunger to measure? it is oral, correct?
It comes with a oral syringe, letro for pct?
yes for pct.
no but the tren e forum suggests this. i already have nolvdex for pct. but like i said the tren forum suggests to take letro w the tren?
They're obviously idiots.
There is no reason to use Letro for anything besides gyno (or breast cancer, obviously).
If you want to use an AI in PCT, make it Aromasin.
PCT is often. Clomid and nolvadex. Like Bon said letrozole is for gyno and breast cancer. If you have it keep it just in case you get gyno and need to reverse it. If your worried about gyno get aromasin as an AI 12.5mg EOD. I started taking it, saw face bloat entering my 3rd week of Test.
Last edited by fig; 02-05-2011 at 10:13 AM.
i wanted to get it asap and stack w tren but only becuz what the forum said. this was the first and only forum to recomend this w tren. that ive seen. if its not necessary i wont research. instead of the letro run clomid with nolva for pct......
stacking t bol 40mgs ed with tren e. 500 mgs week
im 29 6'1" 245lbs 15%bf trained ten years usually take july - early september off each year do to my job.
taken test e p and cyp, sust deca clen and fina in the past.
in the pct forum you said you have taken nolva by itself and it was fine. now are you recomending the clomid with the nolva for a specific cycle or ...... becuz tren doesnot conv but does raise estro levels right?
Sounds like a rough cycle, I would add some test in there to keep things working.
No, clomid/nolva is a pretty standard PCT. My point in the other thread was simply a corrective to another poster who said nolva without clomid is useless.
copy that D7M. thanks for the guidance homie.
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