First off im very prone to sides. Going thru puberty i noticed sore nips (subsided), and severe acne, plus at 25 i have signs of future hair loss. Iv done much research, and would love to do a test only cycle but worried about my pronablility to sides, and DHT conversion, i value my hair! Lol... So my this cycle...w/ a high HRT level of test for obvious reasons..
Will the .5mg of Arimidex be enough to combat the sides of d-bol?
1-5 weeks 20mg/ed – Dianabol
1-12 weeks 500mg/week – Equipoise
1-12 weeks 200mg/week – Test Cyp
1-14 weeks .5mg/ed – Arimidex (for two weeks after last dose)
14-18 weeks 25mg/ed – Aromasin
14-18 weeks 20mg/ed – Nolvadex
1-18 .5mg/ed – Avodart (if balding occurs)