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Thread: First cycle test e + masteron

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    First cycle test e + masteron

    Hi guys,
    Wanting to do my first cycle but want a little bit of advice on how to get what I want out of it. Firstly I'm nearly 27, been training 5 days a week for the last year and a half. I'm 6"2 I was 108kgs but have cut right down to 85 through a light weight high intensity program I've been doing. Very little cardio but am looking at upping the cardio with this cycle. I am looking at doing test e and masteron but am not looking at bulking up so I don't want to take too much test. If I do 250 test and 400 masteron a week will that give me lean muscle gain and will this affect me after a 12 week cycle. I have never had acne or pimples but am worried about the pimples and the bloated face but also don't want to do too little that it's a waste of time. If I take nolvadex through the whole cycle is that going to keep the bloated face and pimples down? Any help on amounts you think I should take would be greatly appreciated also some help with a pct would be good too.. I definately don't want to bulk up I have striped away most of my fat I just want to put on maybe 8kg of lean ripped muscle...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    A first cycle should be test only imo.

    Nolva would not be good to take throughout. A low dose AT would be a much better option

    What is your proposed PCT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I have had advice from alot if my mates about everything but pct, that'd why I'm asking on here, I need some good advice from people that have done this. Why do people say to only have test for a first cycle? Also how much would I be looking at taking if I don't want to blow up? I don't mean to sound naive I am just getting different advice from heaps of different people and I don't know what to go with. If I do only do a test cycle, what will I be expecting results wise... I want hard lean muscle, not just a quick fix.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Also what do you mean by at? I dont want to get pimples or bloated will this help?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    300-400mg of a long estered test is plenty for a first cycle.

    You want to start off with one compound, so you know how your body reacts to one compound at a time.

    Read this for PCT needs:

    You really shouldn't bloat that much, but if you do diet and an AI will help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Sorry AT was a typo. I meant AI

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    D7M- I read that link, thankyou. The only thing is it's not that specific to me, and amounts I am unsure of. Could you or anyone else give me an exact plan for my AI during cycle and my pct including week numbers and amounts. I already have 3 bottles masteron 1 bottle test enanthate and some nolvadex. So could you gve me a AI and pct plan for both a test e only cycle at 250-300 /Wk and a test e/masteron cycle at 250-300 and 400/Wk... Also how do I break up the pinning over a week. I train mon-back,tue-legs, wed-cardio, thu-chest, fri-bi+tri, sat-shoulders, sun-cardio. Sorry about being so specific guys all my mates are new to this too and going hard out on 2ml/week of three different types of steroids so I am not taking there advice too seriously.
    Thanks for the help

  8. #8
    well people say use test only for first cycle so you can see how you react and see if you get any sides ,lets say you run test and mast for first cycle and start seeing sides how do you know what compound is causejg these sides? see what am saying? as for dose and ai on cycle i would go with 500mgs test e per week for 12 week ,imo you dont need an ai on cycle unless you start to see/feel gyno problems ,if you see any gyno probs (sore/puffy/lumpy/ithy nipples) start your ai right away (adex @ .25 to .5 mgs every other day depending on how gyno prone you are) if you are not gyno prone you dont need it but have it on hand just to be on the safe pct ,you want nolvadex and clomid starting 14 dys after your last injection

    weeks 1-12 500mgs test e per week (250msg mon- 250mgs thurs)

    weeks 1-14 .25 mg adex every other day (only if gyno prone)

    14 days after last injection start pct

    nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    clomid 50/50/25/25

    save masteron for your next cycle ..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by carp123 View Post
    well people say use test only for first cycle so you can see how you react and see if you get any sides ,lets say you run test and mast for first cycle and start seeing sides how do you know what compound is causejg these sides? see what am saying? as for dose and ai on cycle i would go with 500mgs test e per week for 12 week ,imo you dont need an ai on cycle unless you start to see/feel gyno problems ,if you see any gyno probs (sore/puffy/lumpy/ithy nipples) start your ai right away (adex @ .25 to .5 mgs every other day depending on how gyno prone you are) if you are not gyno prone you dont need it but have it on hand just to be on the safe pct ,you want nolvadex and clomid starting 14 dys after your last injection

    weeks 1-12 500mgs test e per week (250msg mon- 250mgs thurs)

    weeks 1-14 .25 mg adex every other day (only if gyno prone)

    14 days after last injection start pct

    nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    clomid 50/50/25/25

    save masteron for your next cycle ..
    The only thing i would change here would be

    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    But that is my personal preference. The rest looks good

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    The only thing i would change here would be

    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    But that is my personal preference. The rest looks good
    yer thought someone may pick up on that ,i dont like clomid at 50 + mgs as it can depress me big style ..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks so much guys... 500mg of test e per week is that going to bulk me up, cause i dont want that. I work on a 4/1 roster so i see my gf after a month and i dont want her to see a monster, I don't want her to find out...that's y I was looking at 250-300mg.... Also I was under the impression that the AI would stop the pimples and bloating, I seen my mate the otherday and his back/shoulders were covered in pimples and his face looked all puffed and watery.. That's y I want to take it during cycle as far as the gyno do you mean bitch tits by that?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by TKR View Post
    Thanks so much guys... 500mg of test e per week is that going to bulk me up, cause i dont want that. I work on a 4/1 roster so i see my gf after a month and i dont want her to see a monster, I don't want her to find out...that's y I was looking at 250-300mg.... Also I was under the impression that the AI would stop the pimples and bloating, I seen my mate the otherday and his back/shoulders were covered in pimples and his face looked all puffed and watery.. That's y I want to take it during cycle as far as the gyno do you mean bitch tits by that?
    i am a bit confused in what your looking for out of steroids man ,you do know th main reason in useing steroids is to get some quality lean mass? this in turn is going to make you look bigger no doubt about it ,when you say ,going to bulk you up do you mean bloat(warter retension) if so you can use use adex to combat this and its very important to keep your diet clean ,low sodium/low salt intake ect all that aside steroids are goingt o make you look bigger there is no getting away from that ,well there is ,dont cycle if you dont want to look big.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Yes I do want to get bigger, like you said I want lean muscle mass... What I don't want is to blow up like a balloon like I have seen many of my mates do and then shrink back down in a couple of months. I want hard lean muscle out of this not just the instant big look... I think it is the water retention I'm worried about I take it that's what makes my mates blow up so quickly, so this adex will stop that ye? I can hide a gradual build up of muscle over the period of a month by the fact that I'm finally on a bulking protein as aposed to the lean one if been on for a while, I just don't want to puff straight up...
    Thanks for your patience mate I'm just a newbie to all this...

  14. #14
    ^^ noproblem here to help ,use adex @ .25mg every other day witha good clean diet and tnhis will keep of most bloat buddy ..

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