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Thread: test e eq ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia

    test e eq ?

    planing next cycle and am planing on running 600mg test e and 500mg eq. my question is i would like to run the test and eq for 10 weeks and follow with 600mg of test e for 2 more weeks. but this will leave half a bottle of each. How long will it keep for after the plastic too has been poped off? Or should I just run a longer cycle? or up my injections at the end?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    never run anything when on just because you "have it on hand"

    but if you are felling good I would run the cycle a little longer imo

    be sure to keep an eye on your RBC levels when on this cycle bro

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia
    right on thanks Ill prob just stretch it out and see how I feel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    They'll last a very long time.
    Now that being said I would run the eq at 600 and the test at 500 for a minimum of 12 weeks. I prefer to run EQ a little longer personally (16 to 18) because it takes so long to kick in.
    depending on your goals you could also consider lowering the test to 400.
    You'll probably have to donate blood at least once on this cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It'll last years, so long as you don't contaminate it while drawing from the vial (always swab the top with an alcohol wipe).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia
    Im realy looking for a lean mass gain in this cycle. I plan on doing 6day weeks one day weights then next heavy cardio since I train muay thai and some mma and I try to get on the elliptical at least for 300cal burn in the morning. Ive run just test cycles and find my energy is great but bloat, Ive allso run test and deca and same great strength and energy but too much bloat and watter gain. Ive allso run test and tren e and strength has gone way up, my my energy lvls were shat and I could do hardly any cardio. I would like to through wini in this cycle but I dont think the wallet can handle it. although I do have a B-Day comming up, maybe Ill ask the wife to get me some winni for it. yah she would go for that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    just finished a cycle of test e /eq 300 mg each ran 12 weeks . i would start the eq a week a head of the test so you can pct at 2 weeks after last shot of test e. because you need as much time on the eq as possible
    Quote Originally Posted by Dobert View Post
    planing next cycle and am planing on running 600mg test e and 500mg eq. my question is i would like to run the test and eq for 10 weeks and follow with 600mg of test e for 2 more weeks. but this will leave half a bottle of each. How long will it keep for after the plastic too has been poped off? Or should I just run a longer cycle? or up my injections at the end?
    Last edited by cro; 02-09-2011 at 03:56 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Makes no sense. Start both at the same time, run test 1 week longer.
    Run 400 test e and 600 eq. Good lean mass/endurance cycle. You'll like it. Run eq for 16wks.
    If you want a shorter cycle you can look into bold cyp or primo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    why does it make no sense,its basicaly just putting the pct on time ,your way seems right ill add. but i dont see harm in this either seeing how more time on eq is good .QUOTE=Ironside;5520188]Makes no sense. Start both at the same time, run test 1 week longer.
    Run 400 test e and 600 eq. Good lean mass/endurance cycle. You'll like it. Run eq for 16wks.
    If you want a shorter cycle you can look into bold cyp or primo[/QUOTE]
    Last edited by cro; 02-09-2011 at 03:30 PM.

  10. #10
    I would run both for 12 weeks. if you wipe your stoppers before each use your gear should be good for next cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    do your research before you post .it only works 1 way or the other.
    Quote Originally Posted by jpalmer View Post
    I would run both for 12 weeks. if you wipe your stoppers before each use your gear should be good for next cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Sorry cro. I misread your post. That way works as well. I just like starting all my hormones on day one.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    well if you do it on the same day you have to run the test 1 week longer. eq requires 3 weeks before pct .teste requires 2 weeks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Sorry cro. I misread your post. That way works as well. I just like starting all my hormones on day one.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nova Scotia


    wow thanks all great info. Im prob gona run 500 test to 600 eq since I like high test cycles. and try to keep the cycle to 16 weeks test and eq and run the test for 1 week after. gona do the typical clo and nova pct and maybe run adex during to keep water off since I have it on hand anyways and im prone to bloat and pressure issues when Im on and find adex takes care of both fine. Thanks again all Ill let you know how it goes Ill be starting next pay day. LOL

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    what happens if RBC stays to high on cycle.. And how will you know if its to high without getting bloods.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Just donate blood every few months and you'll know if your RBC is too high.

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