its just fukcin hard for me to get really developed shoulders im not sure what my hang up is possibly overtrain them because they get hit on both chest and back day anyway but heres and average shoulder routine for me
BB military press 2x6-10
DB military press 2x6-10
upright rows 2x6-10
lateral raises super setted with lateral raise machine 2x6-12
rear delt rows 2x6-10
rear delt cable rows 2x6-10
and depending on how im feeling maybe rear delt raises 2x6-12
now i realize this is a lot but i get it all done in 40 minutes so its intense but short
i should probably mention that my routine is like this
day 1
day 2
day 3
day 5
so im doing my shoulders after back and chest and they were probably already hit the previous 2 days from chest and back
but basically i cant ever seem to get some serious shoulder development i dont have bad shoulders at all but i want to get really full and big shoulders which seems to be very difficult
hers a pic of me at my biggest im not quiet this big right now cuz i had a bulged disc and had to be out of the gym for 3 months but im getting close to this gain
so i mean my shoulders arnt bad but id like to really bring them out more and get that fullness and idk like boulder shoulder kind of look
whats you guys opinion on how i could improve my shoulder growth?