stats : age 25
height 6ft
BF 12%
5yrs training(started current job about the same time)
weight 205 lbs(previously 180lbs)
goal weight is about 15 - 20 lbs lean muscle while keeping bf from peaking above 15%
well basically lads i have being at a big plateu with regards to strenght and weight the last 2 months or so and i just cant get through it. it took while to get my diet and training in check before i started noticing gains an i have gotten this far from my diet and proper training.. i have bein doing alot of homework about my first cycle and im just going to put two cycles out there to see what you lads think,
first - 250mg test e x2/week for 12 weeks
second - 250mg test e x2 /week and 400mg of EQ for 14 weeks total
AI - adex @ .5 mg eod from start to last shot and adjust to keep bloat down
pct - clomid blast 200mg first 2 days then 100 100 75 50
hcg will also be taken @ 250iu x 2 /week from week 2 until week 14
what you lads think would be better for my goal?