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Thread: Scitropin

  1. #1


    Hey guys I'm wondering if anyone can help me I got a few questions?? I'm just coming back from injury after 4 months of not training I normally take sus when I'm training but now have 4 boxes of scitropin shall I train for a bit first before I start takin the scitropin an shall I stack it with the sus how
    Much shall I have of each a week?? Anyones help an opinions would help heaps

  2. #2
    I am 27 years old and 6"4 my diet is not to bad an I don't have to much bodyfat hope someone out there can help me out

  3. #3
    post your complete stats and maybe someone will help you..

    So you got some HGH ? 4-6 units ED would be a good dose..
    Do some research.

  4. #4
    Hey mate cheers for that, I dunno wat u mean I'm new to the hgh thing wat do u need to know exactly?? I have done a lil research but not much help thats why I'm askin help from ppl who know exactly

  5. #5

    Some questions regarding SciTropin and a beginners cycle

    Hi All,

    First of all, just want to thank all the ppl on the forum for helping others out.

    I'm a complete beginner.


    H: 187cm
    W: 82KG

    I'm looking at gaining another 5-6 Kgs of lean muscle.

    I recently found a "anti-aging" clinic which got me HGH. and some testosterone cream ( i know the cream is probably useless). But at least I got the HGH. His recommendation was to start on 1ui for a few weeks then do a blood test then perhaps go higher perhaps. I also told the doc what my goals were and what I wanted to achieve.

    I want to know how I can get HGH from other places, can I convince another doctor to give me a "better" brand hgh ( i've also read on this forum that Scitropin is not that great ) ? I've also seen posts on this forum on using it with steroids like deca & sus etc. How can I get these from the docs or where can I get them from ? I'm thinking it's much easier now that I've doc a doc prescribing me the HGH. My goal is to reach 87-88KG of lean muscle within 6-8 months ? is this realistic ? what types of cycles do you guys recommend ?

    I've got a decent diet now with about 2000cals a day but probably I should do more. Any assistance is welcome.

    BTW, I'm from Sydney

    Please msg me with advice or anything else which you guys feel will be helpful.

    Thanks in advance.


  6. #6
    HGH is not recommended for anyone under the age of 30. If you have four boxes, I'm assuming each box that 10 vials each, so you have 400iu total of HGH. If you ran 5iu/ed that will be 80 days. Not really long enough to do much. HGH is long term use. You should plan on being on HGH for at least 6 months.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Hi Siker
    im in the exact same boat as you, How did you go with it all? my doc told me to use .2mg on the omnitrope pen is this similar to what you did?

  8. #8
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Im not sure where you heard your info of "( i've also read on this forum that Scitropin is not that great ) ?"

    I know its good to go, and being an aussie also, i think you should take what you can get, most guys would do anything to get there hands on legit hgh here in oz, dont be ungrateful and take what you have been given sir

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    this thread is almost 2 years old
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    i dont doubt that its not good, im only in my second week and feel different allready nothing drastic but a difference. though i do think my doctor is taking advantage of me money wise sureley it cant be as costly as what his charging me. also he has told me a 1.5ml vial should last around 3 weeks which does not sound right after reading up on it though forums.

  11. #11
    In Australia? Yup... it'll be expensive. But at least you know you're getting the real deal.

    A 1.5ml vial will only last 3 weeks because it's half-life is such that it's efficiacy is near zero after 21 days. So, 15IU's to a vial, over 21 days = 0.7 IU's per day.
    Last edited by truelifeajf; 05-11-2013 at 08:25 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    HGH is not recommended for anyone under the age of 30. If you have four boxes, I'm assuming each box that 10 vials each, so you have 400iu total of HGH. If you ran 5iu/ed that will be 80 days. Not really long enough to do much. HGH is long term use. You should plan on being on HGH for at least 6 months.

    i do agree with you about his age but the 6 month thing is a joke to me pharm grade starts burning fat for me after like 2 weeks on it

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