Hey all,
I am going to be running a cycle in about 2 months. I have all the gear already bought.
100 tamoxifen(nolva) tabs 10 mg
20 vial x 200 mg test cyp
2000 mg boldenone (eq)
Age: 21
Weight: 164
Wrist Size: 5 1/2 (small bone structure)
shoe size ...8 (small bone structure)
Height: 5'8
BF: 13%
History: 4 years of training, in 2009 I had a labral tear. Repaired in August 2010. Started lifting 3 months ago seriously again (I plan on taking another 2 months to regain all previous strength/mass).
My diet will consist of about 250 g protein a day, from pork chop loins, lean ground beef, steak, eggs, egg whites, milk, yogurt, turkey breast, salmon, shrimp.
Fats from sunflower seeds, meat, I will be buying 10 lb of bulk walnuts, fish oil pills, avocado.
Carbs: about 120-140 grams a day, veges, oatmeal, white rice, brown rice, whole grain pasta, powderade, milk, yogurt, etc
Supplements: whey, myofusion, glutamine, fish oil, chondroitin/glucosamine, cissus, gnc multi vitamin gel, flaxseed oil, probiotics, superpump (big maybe, as I don't like it's appetite suppression), osteo bi flex gelatin
Which would be better?
Was thinking about doing 200 mg/cyp and 100 mg/eq e4d for 80 days total.
200 mg cyp 100 mg eq 2x a week mon/thurs for 10 weeks (70 days).
PCT: 20/20/10/10 Nolva with 2500 mg trib each day and 2 ZMA caplets.
Within 2 months I expect to be at around 170 again, this was my weight before for injury. My lower body is much stronger than my upper body currently.
Currently majoring in bio/public health btw.
Expected Split:
Monday: Back/Bi/Obliques/Abs
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Arms/Calves/Shoulders
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Deadlift/Abs/Obliques/pullups
Saturday: Chest/Tri
Sunday: Legs/Calves
Tue: Chest/Tri/Abs
Thur: Rest
Fri: Back/bi/obliques
Sat: Chest/tri/abs
Sun: Legs/calves
Small eq dose is just for it's supposed collage synthetic effects, and sorta just to test the waters as well.