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Thread: atlantis possibly found

  1. #1
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    atlantis possibly found

    docu on national geographic. when i first heard about it i was skeptical but they gave a good case. they say its in southern spain and continues into the atlantic. showed satellite view of the ringed walls like plato spoke of. much methan gas trapped under surface which is what would happen if life ended and became encase suddenly. i could be mistaken but i think i heard an estimate on the spot being 5000-7000 years old, not sure though.

    more north is what is believed to be a monument mini deplica of the destroyed city.

    much excavation is needed. it will be many years. i was skeptical when i first heard but i think it may be it.

  2. #2
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    That's awesome, I love stuff like this. Have you seen the stones structures they've found underwater off the coast of Japan? It's really interesting. They said it most likely would've had to have been built before the ice ages.

  3. #3
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    i believe this is a repost

  4. #4
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    I saw a similar documentary a few years ago. All speculation. Like the face on mars (later debunked). I'm interested to see when they will send a submersible down to collect artifacts. BTW... atlantis doesn't have to be purely a myth. There could be some factual basis to this.... only time will tell!

  5. #5
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I am such a nerd when it comes to this stuff.

  6. #6
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    Yeah, me too. But I try to be a skeptical nerd with a critical eye. Too much BS out there to take all of this at face value.

    My WAG on some of our urban folklore and probability of a factual basis:
    Loch Ness Beast 3%
    Big Foot, et al. 4%
    Advanced Intelligence Visiting Earth or already here 30%
    An actual civilization called atlantis that was covered over in water 35%
    An actual Human Being called Jesus the biblical version is modeled from 60%

    Or they could all be zero or 100%... who knows..

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    History Channel did a thing on Bigfoot where the Native Americans said they had thier shamans live in the woods for 10 years to become one with nature. Some skeptics believe this is what attributed to the Bigfoot sightings.

  8. #8
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    it's really difficult to say... the legends have been around for probably a thousand years.

    see, the problem I have with all this is that people make unreliable witnesses. People see things, and their minds jump to conclusions. They convince themselves they really saw something, and next thing you know, their telling someone what they saw.

    Did you know there are flatlanders still out there?

    We were laughing the other day listening to a guy on the tv telling us that the whole man in space thing is a conspiracy.... we've never been in space, it's impossible to get there... somehow the airplances are OK, but on and on he went (it was an afghan semi religious show translated into english) saying no one has ever really been into space.... here's the funny part, it was being broadcast on satellite TV!

    People will swear to you they've seen Elvis at the gas station

    That they've been abducted by aliens

    That they were someone else in another life

    That God talks to them

    At this point, I'm very skeptical at anything that is extraordinary, and really need to experience it myself.

  9. #9
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    newport richey fl
    lost worlds atlantis i found to be a great watch on the subject

  10. #10
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    Why is it when people take a pic or viedo of big foot is blurry?Cams are so much better now! Makes u think.BS

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    newport richey fl
    lol bigfoot was sold on ebay for 200k its real

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    That they were someone else in another life

    At this point, I'm very skeptical at anything that is extraordinary, and really need to experience it myself.
    My buddy's dad swears he was a former Nazi soldier.. and he is Irish.. But he remembered the guys name and everything.. what platoon he was in and where he was killed in the war.. kind of strange when you think about it.. there is a lot out there that we do not know about

  13. #13
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I would love to see Bigfoot prooven real, but I think it's a legend. Went on a excursion with the now defunct Chattahochee Bigfoot Organization in 2000. All I found was misquitos for 4 days straight. But at least now you can all say you know a wierdo who actually looked for

  14. #14
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    i mean really it could be just a man who has hypertrichosis who decided to live in the woods away from people cause of this

  15. #15
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    yeah i know about the lost temple structure off japan. india to has one to. dated 30,000 years. yes people have made claim that atlantis has been found, i know. but this place has unique argument. theres the island city on a mediterranean island destroyed by volcano they claimed was atlantis. not good enough. the one guy found ancient a wall underwater in mediterranean. ok but there are MANY sunken cities under mediterranean. they have not linked those to the culture of atlantis. after the excavation of this newly suspected site they may prove or disprove it neing atlantis but i believe they are on to something. regardless they did come across something.

    repost? on the topic maybe but this documentary aired last night for first time...unless something mentioned an article on the same finding.

    there are many lost cities/ civilizations in this world. some known and others unknown. out of all of these there will statistically be a legendary memory of a few. something like this thousands of years ago will have a mystical atmosphere to it due to understanding of events back then. its not hard to believe at all that this place actually existed considering all the lost places discovered that dont have any known record.

  16. #16
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    newport richey fl
    you talking about national geographic Finding Atlantis i seen it

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    My buddy's dad swears he was a former Nazi soldier.. and he is Irish.. But he remembered the guys name and everything.. what platoon he was in and where he was killed in the war.. kind of strange when you think about it.. there is a lot out there that we do not know about
    every once in awhile we run across a really odd case... children speaking languages we believe they've never been exposed to, memories of events we have no business knowing anything about.

    All very strange, sure enough. To vaguely quote someone else...

    For extraordinary claims, extraordinary proof is required.

    It would be wonderful if we lived in a majikal world where utterences could influence the physical world around us.... our force of will had the same impact as the imagination... but alas, it is not so. We live in a very predictable universe, where majikal things appear so due to a lack of understanding on our part.

    Think about one thing right now. ESP. Many people believe it to be true. So let me ask you. Out of the 6 billion people roaming the planet on any given moment, you would think that at least a small handful would have sufficient ESP abilities to successfully predict lottery numbers on a semi regular basis.

    But the pattern of Lotto winners appears random.

    Maybe once an individual has been gifted with superior ESP powers, they are also gifted by not being greedy?

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