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Thread: Deca Di*k

  1. #1

    Deca Di*k

    Hey guys, I have heard a lot of conflicting things in the past from message boards and friends of mine about Deca Di*k in the past and present and was wondering if I could search out some more opinions on this. I know that it makes total sense that if you shut down your natural production of testosterone (with the use of Deca) and have no other external testosterone added to your body than you would obviously suffer from this problem among many others related to your testies however if I used Test E with this compound would it counter act these side effects? and if so should the deca doses and test doses be identical? or should I use more test than deca?(something like 600mg test 400mg deca weekly?). Should the PCT run the same as a normal test E cycle as they are both long acting esters? I am thinking of running a similar cycle to this on my next cycle so I am trying to gage peoples experience with this matter. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    yep 600mg/400mg sounds good. run an ai . i like aromasin at 12.5 mg eod

  3. #3
    Cheers Mate

  4. #4
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by joejoe29 View Post
    Hey guys, I have heard a lot of conflicting things in the past from message boards and friends of mine about Deca Di*k in the past and present and was wondering if I could search out some more opinions on this. I know that it makes total sense that if you shut down your natural production of testosterone (with the use of Deca) and have no other external testosterone added to your body than you would obviously suffer from this problem among many others related to your testies however if I used Test E with this compound would it counter act these side effects? and if so should the deca doses and test doses be identical? or should I use more test than deca?(something like 600mg test 400mg deca weekly?). Should the PCT run the same as a normal test E cycle as they are both long acting esters? I am thinking of running a similar cycle to this on my next cycle so I am trying to gage peoples experience with this matter. Cheers.
    im glad you posted this thread,cause i was wondering the same thing

  5. #5
    I take a low dose deca (200mg/wk) and Test (200mg/wk) I get nice results and no deca d*ck problem. As a matter of fact I wake up with wood every morning. I'm 51 so I'm taking it any way I can.

  6. #6
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    it has been proven and discussed on this board that one could successfuly run a trt dose of test (250mgs pw) to maintain labido on a deca cycle. this also allows the deca to do the brunt work of the cycle, hence the reason for running the deca. test should be run 2 weeks longer than deca to aid in recovery and pct should start 2 weeks after your last test pin (entanate esters used)
    hope this clears things up.
    Last edited by MBMETC; 03-15-2011 at 07:49 AM.

  7. #7
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    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    it has been proven and discussed on this board that one could successfuly run a trt dose of test (250mgs pw) to maintain labido on a deca cycle. this also allows the deca to do the brunt work of the cycle, hence the reason for running the deca. test should be run 2 weeks longer than deca to aid in recovery and pct should start 2 weeks after your last test pin (entanate esters used)
    hope this clears things up.
    This^^^ I think 19nor's should be run at a higher dose than the test, 250mgstest/600mgsdeca would be good for a 3rd or 4th cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Deca is evil....Ran test 500/deca 250 and still got horrid deca dick...It's the only compound that does it to me...Tren makes me hornier than I was when I was 12...Never again will I touch deca...

  9. #9
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    I am currently on 900 cyp and 600 deca and am looking at fat girls in the supermarket..While Deca sides are affected by individual metabolism, I feel its mainly a matter of controlling estro aromatization from the test.

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I have had the deca dick and it sucked! It started a week into my PCT and lasted over a month. I will never touch it again.

  11. #11
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    If your running Test with the Deca you should have no issues with the dreaded DD. I am on 750 Sust and 500 Dec per week now and I have no issues with getting it fact I am a walking hard-on most of the time

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdog99 View Post
    If your running Test with the Deca you should have no issues with the dreaded DD. I am on 750 Sust and 500 Dec per week now and I have no issues with getting it fact I am a walking hard-on most of the time


  13. #13
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    My next cycle im trying deca, 500 test and 300 deca. I hope i dont get this deaded deca Dck.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    even 3 inch of arm growth is not worth of killing my libido and having deca dick.
    So i wont touch it ever.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    it has been proven and discussed on this board that one could successfuly run a trt dose of test (250mgs pw) to maintain labido on a deca cycle. this also allows the deca to do the brunt work of the cycle, hence the reason for running the deca. test should be run 2 weeks longer than deca to aid in recovery and pct should start 2 weeks after your last test pin (entanate esters used)
    hope this clears things up.
    about the best advice ive seen if you do use it. follow this 2 weeks after stuff

  16. #16
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    ive always thought deca dick was the inability to get or maintain an erection
    not a lack of libido
    am i wrong

  17. #17
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    It is capable of causing all 3

  18. #18
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    I had DD on my current cycle, 500 test e/300 deca. Started at the begining of the 2nd week. I had ran deca in the past with no issues. I started liquid prami and Adex two days after the first sign of DD and everything was good 4 days later. You can argue Prolactin - Estrogen - Not enough time for Test E to kick in. All I know is i dropped the deca and will NEVER touch it again.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    it has been proven and discussed on this board that one could successfuly run a trt dose of test (250mgs pw) to maintain labido on a deca cycle. this also allows the deca to do the brunt work of the cycle, hence the reason for running the deca. test should be run 2 weeks longer than deca to aid in recovery and pct should start 2 weeks after your last test pin (entanate esters used)
    hope this clears things up.
    Theres your answer....

    Those that think running huge amounts of test is the answer could in fact be making the matter worse with elevated estrogen....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  20. #20
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    for first time users of deca,whats the recommend dose for a pretty big guy,im 6'5 275 bf17%......2 previous cycles of test cyp 500mg/week and 2nd one was 600mg/week had no sides of water retention or gyno issues,also on lifetime trt,so i dont worry about PCT,this will be my first time using deca,and ive read this thread and researched alot about TRT dose prescri by my Endo is 600mg every 10 days,so my body is pretty resistant to test,i just need some advice on where to start my dose of deca,i have prami and aromasin to use for my cycle...thanks

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Theres your answer....

    Those that think running huge amounts of test is the answer could in fact be making the matter worse with elevated estrogen....
    Agreed, most likely it is estrogen. I have ran Deca only cycles..yes you read that correct... and I never had DD. I am not in any way advising this of course. However, I HAVE had erectile dysfunction and the like when my estrogen has been too high

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullseye Forever View Post
    for first time users of deca,whats the recommend dose for a pretty big guy,im 6'5 275 bf17%......2 previous cycles of test cyp 500mg/week and 2nd one was 600mg/week had no sides of water retention or gyno issues,also on lifetime trt,so i dont worry about PCT,this will be my first time using deca,and ive read this thread and researched alot about TRT dose prescri by my Endo is 600mg every 10 days,so my body is pretty resistant to test,i just need some advice on where to start my dose of deca,i have prami and aromasin to use for my cycle...thanks
    cutting 300-400mgs pw bulking 400-600mgs pw

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2010
    deca sucksss.Over 1 year and still got problems.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    ^^ Running a cycle at 23 my have damaged your endocrine system...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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