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Thread: My Workout (High Volume) joints are hurting.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Syd, Aust

    My Workout (High Volume)

    hey guys, so i thought it was time to post up my workout and get it critiqued

    I have been doing this type of workout for 5 weeks now and my joints in my elbows are hurting after my shoulder and chest workouts. im only 24 yrs old.

    so here is my workout.. all workouts are done reverse pryamid except legs and abs

    day 1: Chest and Bi's
    6 sets of each exercise for chest: flat bench BB, incline DB and flys
    5-6 sets of each excercise for bi's: BB curl, concentration curls

    day 2. Back
    6 sets of each: pulldowns (widegrip), pulldowns (close grip), rows and deadlifts
    change the pulldowns with weighted pullups every 2 weeks

    day 3. Rest

    day 4. shoulders/traps and tris
    6 sets of each: DB shoulder press, upright rows, lat raises, shrugs
    5-6 sets: skull crushers, rope pulldowns changed around with weighted dips

    day 5. legs and abs
    6-8 sets of legs: squats, 45 deg leg raises, leg extensions, lunges, standing calfraises
    5 sets of abs: mainly supersets with hanging leg raises crunches etc.

    weekends are off days

    so thats it for my workout. my day 5 is very long, where back is my shortest day, maybe i could move my calves to another day or abs.i was also thinking about seperating my shoulders and traps??

    as i said before my joints are very tender after my shoulder workouts, any help there?? is this too much volume for a consistent workout program. is it a good idea for me to change to low volume every 6 weeks or so. kind of a slingshot program??

    for the last 5 weeks on this high volume training i have seen some good gains and get an amazing pump. but i am just not getting the growth in muscle mass that i would like..

    i would love to here off anyone with helpful information. rip my workout to shreds if it needs it!!! my goals are to put on muscle mass while staying lean..

    thankyou in advance!
    Last edited by dooie; 03-16-2011 at 04:51 AM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Any joint pain is probably down to the crazey volume

    Why not train hard... Try a HIT routine

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Any joint pain is probably down to the crazey volume

    Why not train hard... Try a HIT routine
    do you do HIT baseline?? what are the benefits/gains for you.. could you pm me your routine or link??

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    I do everthink m8 LOL

    I have tried loads of different things

    I like a kind of HIT the best. DC is great

    I have been thinking about doing a 5x5 soon but think i will just do that when im not on gear

    Cutting ATM and im kind of using a moderate intensity and listening to my body....

    There are loads of routines outthere m8. U just need to know what works for u

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Are you growing on this routine?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Are you growing on this routine?
    hey marcus.. actually ive been growing on this routine more than i have with any other.. im the biggest now i have ever been, this routine gives me insane pumps but not much strength gains (which im over the ego factor anyway). the only few problems with this is that i now spend alot more time in the gym.. and on chest days my elbow joints hurt. its not so much shoulders anymore.. marcus should i change to low volume for a few weeks with = intensity to give my CNS and joints a break??

    i do have a feeling its my flat bench that is causing the problems for my joints.. (is it ok to eliminate this exercise) and just do decline, incline and flys??

    by the way my rep range is between 5-8 reps basically a 6x6 routine

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your experiencing joint problems I would defo pull back on the volume for a few weeks and maybe drop the bench press and go with inclines, see if that help ease the issues your experiencing. If you go back to this type of volume training I would mix it around a bit and see if you can carry on producing the gains.

  9. #9
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    Thanks marcus.. i will go half the volume. so 3 working sets instead of the 6 for all muscle groups except legs and will change from reverse pryamiding to normal pyramids. i will do this for 2 weeks and then bump up the volume for 4-6 weeks and keep rotating!!

    keep you updated on the progress!

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