My first 2 cycles were dbol and test and ran between 10 and 12 weeks. All my results are great, good PCT, and good diet (better on my second cycle). Now I have gained all the weight that I was hoping for and am working on my summer cut cycle which is going to start a little late. I also would like to stack a clen/t3/keto with it to assist in the fat loss. I of course will be doing a ton of cardio as well.
This is my first time complicating things a little and upping my dose.
wk 1-10 test e 500mg a week
wk 1-6 eq 400 mg a week
wk 7-4 var 50 mg ed
PCT will be the standard clomid/nolva and still have adex on hand.
Does this look like a good cutting cycle or should I go after something like prop? I'm wanting to stay away from things like winny/deca/tren as they seem very hard on MPB. Also do I need anything to kickstart this cycle? All suggestions welcome, thank you!