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Thread: will lifting and cardio shed + gain muscle?

  1. #1

    will lifting and cardio shed + gain muscle?

    hey guys im trying a different approach this time around, i use to be fat, dropped all the weight and then started lifting, worked out well, ive stopped for a while and ive gained a belly and excess fat but my muscles are still there somewhere * ;/ so ive started lifting weights again in high reps and maintaining a strict protein diet and i do cardio 30-40 mins a day as well as lift weights, will this shed the fat and gain muscle or is it better to lose it all first and start over?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    is your diet as clean as you say. weight training along will gain muscle/maintain and loose fat. depends on calorie intake.

    cardio will assist in dropping the fat.. i assume you do cardio straight after training. or empty stomach cardio? so first thing in the morning ?

  3. #3
    empty stomache cardio the days i dont lift weights and the days that i do i dont have anything but a banana before my workout some energy to lift and then cardio right after and then good old protein shake.. and my diet is pretty lean, steak, boiled veggies no sauces water and tuna with lettuce and lemons every other day..

  4. #4
    i was thinking of introducing the hgh tablets from this site, would they help me shed and gain?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Your diet is prob lacking, it will help guys on here if you write out your diet by meals along with the fat, carbs, and protein of each meal. The diet gurus on here can then zero in on what you're doing wrong and provide you with the necessary feedback to reach your goals. You'd be suprised to know how little you've been eating til you write it all out and count the macronutrients.

  6. #6
    Alright here it goes,
    morning 4 eggwhite coffee
    cardio 40 mins
    mid afternoon snack protein shake
    evening banana + orange + can of tuna in water
    lift weights
    post lifting protein shake
    dinner = handfull of almonds , steak or tuna in water + boiled veggies

    sometimes i skip the dinner n stick to fruits. oranges, strawberries, grapes.. thats about it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Your diet def needs some work, give it some time and a diet guru should jump on here and fix that diet for you, btw it helps if you list the fat, carbs, and protein for each meal. But really it looks like your not getting much more than 100-150ish grams of protein a day (50 of it from shakes) and no real good carb source at all.The guys on here will sort it all out for you though, you just have to be willing to take the step and implementing it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Oh you'll have better luck reposting your diet in the diet section! Try to include your macronutrients when you do.

  9. #9

    thanks LatissimusaurousRex

    thanks ill do just that, appreciate your help and info

  10. #10
    It depends what you are taking i would say that will a slight calrie deficit but including primo this can be a reality for you

  11. #11
    The answer is yes, it can be done. If you are hitting the weights heavy 5x a week and getting 3x week cardio then you should definitely be able to lean up a bit. Especially if your diet is decent. Push with the weight training though. Try to incorporate drop sets, supersets, and giant sets to really keep your HR up. This will help to burn more fat.

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