21 240lbs 6'4 19-20%BF Currently deployed with the us army
Workout spread
Mon Back
Tues shoulder
Wen bi/tri forearm Core
Thur Chest
Fri Legs Core
Running - Fasted running every day i do not have mission. so maybe 3-4times a week more then 40Mins a time. If i have mission i run after my workout for atleast 30mins. i start my work out at about 8-9pm
My Question is can i loose weight and gain muscle with this workout spread. I know diet is VERY important. but im deployed so it is very very very hard because im limited. Heres what i could do for a diet if i dont go on mission (if i have missions MRE depending on where we go and how long we are gone.)
1st meal (having my wife send me oats) Oats and protein powder
2nd meal 2 sandwitches on wheat bread (normally roast beef or turkey with some mustard and a dab of mayo)
3rd meal i will take a extra sandwitch from the chow hall and eat it on this meal
4th meal Dinner( im subject to what ever they have at the chow hall just have to make my best judgment)
5meal Pre w/o Whey protein
6meal post w/o Casein before bed
If i do that i will come out with about 180-215 protein maybe 150-200 carb depending on the dinner and fats ill try to limit it as much as possible
Let me know what you think i am very limited because im deployed so its hard. do you think i can make some gains and looses with something like this?