How long does it take you guys to see a change in mass when your on dbol?
How long does it take you guys to see a change in mass when your on dbol?
You're 20 years old, and you haven't listened to us once yet.
Good luck.
I saw strength gains after 5 days, i think i put on 1kg the first week but it was probably water. Ended up gaining 5kg in 4 weeks on 30mg.
Why do you guys always gotta flame people? If you cant answer the question then why reply to the thread?? I swear its like you guys "patrol" these boards looking for shit to flame people about. Just answer the question.....shit.
shut the **** up, these guys are looking out for your well being. Your 20 you shouldn't be thinking about aas
Alright ill be coming to the end of my cycle here in a few weeks. I have made some pretty good gains and put on roughly 15lbs so far. Now that I have tryed gear I got the itch out of my system and wont even think about again until im at least 23. With that said I have AR's clomid and nolva on hand and will start pct the day after im done with the cycle. For pct should I do Nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50/25/25 or is Nolva 20/20/10/10 clomid 35/35/35/35 ok? What do you guys suggest?
Alright ill be coming to the end of my cycle here in a few weeks. I have made some pretty good gains and put on roughly 15lbs so far. Now that I have tryed gear I got the itch out of my system and wont even think about again until im at least 23. With that said I have AR's clomid and nolva on hand and will start pct the day after im done with the cycle. For pct should I do Nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50/25/25 or is Nolva 20/20/10/10 clomid 35/35/35/35 ok? What do you guys suggest?
Your first PCT suggestion.
And consider running Nolva 2 weeks past Clomid.
Recommended by Dr. Scally due to the Estrogenic activity of Clomid.
But Google, educate, and make up your own mind.
Eww was this a dbol only cycle that you ran?
I wasnt sure if the weight gain was just from me eating good or what, i just didnt really know what to expect. And Im drinking so much water that I just wasnt sure if it was all water weight or what. My strength is way up at the moment and ill keep you guys posted on how much I keep.
It's ok man. Live and learn right?
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