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Thread: Sted ready?

  1. #1

    Cool Sted ready?

    Hi guys I wonder if I could get sone advice

    Im 34 and have been body building for about 18 months... Size really grew fast in the first 12 months and has slowed down... I've dine a traditional bulk this winter and also used a pro hormone called SD MAtrix which gave me some good gains

    I am now considering trying my first cycle.... I maintain a good diet and am dedicated to my training but need to know if now is the right time to start a cycle

    At the moment my body fat is higher due to the winter bulk and this is coming down slowly.... Do I need to wait to get my body fat right down? Or cam I start now?.... My gym buddy said that test lowers body fat?

    What I need to understand is if I do a cycle for example decca and test will I gain muscle and lower my body fat?

    I have been dedicated to my training for the last 18 months, I hardly drink however I am aware that my body does gain fat easily..... This has been a learning curve and I am getting better at this...

    I think what I am asking is if I start a cycle will it be possible to get leaner and develop more muscle?

    I'm an ok size now however all of the guys I want to be like have spots on their shoulders so I am starting to doubt I can achieve my goal without steds! Is mow the time to begin?


  2. #2
    P.s another thing that concerns me is gyno... I'm already a bit soft around the nipple area So would it be best to suppliment the cycle with drugs to prevent it? And if I do that will it have a negative effect on the cycle and reduce any gains?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    First thing you should do is get blood work done to check your test levels and estrogen levels. make sure they check estrogen due to the gyno. Pro hormones can cause as many problems and sometimes more than AAS.

    18 months may seem like a long time but it's not. Ill bet you need to change up your routine for one. You need some big changes like going from bars to dumbells for everything, focusing on form, maybe doing some blast sets etc but change it up dramatically. #2 diet is a HUGE factor. Dirty bulks/winger bulks are so 1970s.... Every bulk should be clean. Dont make it a fad, make it a life style. Learn what to eat and when to eat it. It makes a big difference when you ingest protein vs carbs if you are bulking or cutting. Visit the diet section.

    Plan on keeping it natural for probably another year and you should be ready. You should also have made some great gains by then and have a lot less chance of developing problems like gyno or at least you will know what happening before it's to late.

  4. #4
    That's great advice thanks for the help.... I know you said another year,.,, do you think another 6 months would be enough... I prefer to bulk in the winter, if I wait a year it will mean a year and a half before I can start

    I eat fairly clean at the minute, currently doing the paleo diet to cut which is going really well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I said a year because I know myself and most people probably couldn't holdout that long. LOL
    The main thing is to get your body fat down first. Next there is no reason to cycle if you are still making good gains. I am sure if you work on the diet and honestly learn what to eat and when to eat it and change up your routine you will still see good/great gains for probably the next year if not more.

    Once you have gotten where you feel that even though the diet is great, you keep switching things up ever 3-4 months and the gains have hit a plateau; that is when doing a cycle you will really see excellent results and get your money worth.

    I know that once you get it in your head you want to do something it's HARD to talk yourself out of it. But not being 18 anymore you can more easily see the logic that if you can make the same gains with food and changing routines why spend the extra money for now. I had to talk myself out of it a few times over the years.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-11-2011 at 07:08 AM.

  6. #6
    Cool thanks fella.... Do you think it's worth giving winstrol a go to help get body fat down now?.... Sorry to ask so many questions... There is so much to learn about them!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Not to get body fat down. It's OK to run at the end of a cycle to help dry things out or help limit bloat and give hard/solid gains but dont go crazy. It's really best to keep things as simple as possible. Start with Test only when you are ready. See how the gains are. If you feel you good what you where looking for then do the same the next time. If you didnt treak the diet and maybe add one or another minor stack like Dbol to kick start and winny to finish or there are other minor stacks like anavar but keep it to one or the other, dont add to much.

    Dont try to learn to much to fast. Keep it simple. Stay here and focus on diet, exercise, form and the basics.

    BTW, did you mention anything about PCT????? VERY important.

  8. #8
    Wicked that's great.... Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it,,,. A lad at the gym offered me a stack of 5 for a 12 week course!... I was thinking that sounds a bit too much for a first cycle!.... Especially as I'm new to it!!!!

    Great profile pic by the way

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    what is a stack of 5?
    Thanks, I plan on replacing it with my own picture in about a year that should be near identical.

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