I'll be starting the 8th week of my first ever cycle today with tonight's injection. My cycle is:
Test E 500mg/WEEK
Nolva (Tamoxifen) 20mg/ED
L-Dex (Anastrozole) .25mg/ED
I really have two questions;
1: How do you guys take your nolva and L-dex when it's in liquid form? (I've been mixing both in a shot glass with a little bit of Orange juice and drinking it)
2: I've got a jelly bean size "lump" just to the right of my left nipple. It's slightly sore to the touch so i started researching on the forums and hurried up and ordered some letro. now for the question. Does this sound like gyno as much as I'm thinking it does?
My stat's are;
approx: 20% BF (Yes it's high, I am attempting to take precautions)
Thanx for your time and any and all advice and comments are appreciated