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Thread: Suppliment recommendations

  1. #1

    Suppliment recommendations

    I'll be doing my first cycle starting May 2nd. It'll be Test E or Test C, 500 per week followed by 3 weeks of PCT with clomid and nolva.

    Currently I do about 2x my weight in protein daily, should I increase my protein to 2.5-3x for the 12 weeks? I drew out a diet for the twelve weeks and am looking around 300/350g of protein per day.

    My Question is what suppliments aside is recommended for the cycle? I know there are tons of crap out there, and i've been pretty happy with using Optimum Nutrition's products. I've also added in Milk Thistle daily to protect the liver a bit more. Are there any suppliments anyone has found to work better for a cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I think your PCT is on the short side. 4 weeks is the minimum I'd run a PCT, and there's nothing wrong with running it up to 5-6 weeks if necessary.

    For more specific diet info, feel free to post in the diet section.

    As far as supplements, the only thing I use BCAAs, Whey (pwo) and Cassein shakes as needed.

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