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Thread: Storing Testosterone in syringe?

  1. #1

    Storing Testosterone in syringe?

    Small detail I was just thinking of for a possible cycle I want to do. I plan on doing Test E 400mg a week. Two shots a week(200mg each). Now the test I want comes in ampules. So as I understand once I break the ampule I cannot leave the remaining test in the ampule. What do you guys do in this case? Do you just draw all 200...and leave the remaining 50mg in the syringe for the next pin?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    If you can swing it I'd just go ahead and do two shots of 250 a week that way there is no remaining test left to worry about what to do with in the ampules. Or if not I'd draw the other 50mg out in a separate syringe to be added to and used later and keep it in a zip lock bag with the cover on the tip of the needle. But that is just me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I agree with the Shol'va, I'd just do 500mg/wk.

    If you are dead set on 400mg/wk, grab yourself some sterile vials and some filter syringes and transfer the amps into a multi-dose vial that you can dose as you please.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    you can draw 200 in one syringe for immediate use, draw the remaining 50 in another and add the balance from a new amp and keep repeating the process.
    but 400-500 not that huge of a difference but its your cycle and you need to be comfortable with your decision.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Good question. My ampules of enth are 250mg. I am more comfortable with discarding any remaining enth as opposed to exposing to an unsterile environment. You can compensate for this in a variety of ways, as some have suggested above me. But for me, the cost is low, and i'm not going to take any unneccessary chances.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the responses. It's just that for my first cycle I want to keep things as minimalist as possible. Actually thinking of 350mg-400mg a week. I think I can make good gains off this from my reading. Then again it may not be so minimalist with the extra work involved for 350mg a week. Keep the suggestions coming!

  7. #7
    Uhm sterility is the importance, get an empty sterile bottle, put all the juice in and change needle each time you pin yourself, use alcohol to sterilise the bottle each time you pin in and use it again to sterilise the place you pin on you, wait until its dry then pin

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Just pin a whole amp every 4 days.
    It's only an increase of 5mg per day.

    OR you could do an amp every 5 days, which would equal 350mg/week.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Just pin a whole amp every 4 days.
    It's only an increase of 5mg per day.

    OR you could do an amp every 5 days, which would equal 350mg/week.
    I have considered doing it every 4 days. Every 5 days I feel like my blood levels would not be as stable. 3 days is preferable for Test-E right?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingNun View Post
    I have considered doing it every 4 days. Every 5 days I feel like my blood levels would not be as stable. 3 days is preferable for Test-E right?
    I do mine every 3.5 days. Im taking test e 500 every week 2 shots a week with 2 shots of HCG 250iu. I think that you should do 500 a week also rather then going through the process of removing the extra 50 its not that much extra doing 100 a week and its the most sterile way in my opinion.

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