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Thread: Good steroid stack or not ?

  1. #1

    Good steroid stack or not ?

    Ive been training for years but now i want to start doing some juice but i dont know much about it.. i got a cycle of 2 months .I have to do 1cc of each bottle everyday except sunday.I have some testosterone propionate,trembolone + enantat i have to mix it together.during the last 3 weeks of that cycle im gonna have to do some winstrol v . I need to know if its a good stack or not.THANK YOU

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Dude your way over your head. Sounds like your buddy at the gym sold you this and told you what to do. You need to educate yourself. What are your stats?

  3. #3
    your ideas = recipe for disaster!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I see you are 25 and want to run your first cycle? Fair enough. Just out of curiosity, have you had your blood panels tested yet? What is your blood pressure? cholestoral/lipid results? condition of your liver?

    Before I go sticking anything into my body, without question, I would want to have my body checked out. if something goes wrong, you now have a baseline for comparison purposes.

    here is the first cycle for you I would recommend
    500mg test every week - cyp or enth, a long esther with a long half life
    for 12 weeks
    pct = (very minimum) 20mg nolva for 4 weeks.

    You need to understand what test does to you and for you. Do you experience any bloat from it? What kinds of gains do you get and how does your body respond to it? Since test should always be the foundation to any cycle/stack, then you should have a clear understanding of this item before you start mixing and matching multiple items. As with any new endeavor, it is always better to take a slow cautious approach. Last i checked, you only get one body. if you mess it up, you don't get any more... or at least that is how it works for me.

    Very adviseable to throw in some milk thistle while on cycle, to protect your liver.

  5. #5
    Test Prop is a short ester, work in about 3 days. Tren E is a long ester, works in about 4 weeks. Tren is also the MOST anabolic steroid on the chart and will definitely give you sides. You should just stick to the Test Prop for the first cycle and drop the Tren you don't want to get hurt on your first cycle. If you have Test Prop, just run 100mg/eod to 150mg/eod for 8 weeks. Wait 3 days then PCT with Clomid (100/50/50/50) & Nolvadex (40/20/20/20). Keep things simple your first cycle. If you don't like to pin eod then I would run Test E for 12 weeks 500mg/wk.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    read the stickies!! i promise you, they will answer ALL your questions.
    this one alone should answer everything.

    dont start a cycle until you are well educated.

  7. #7
    I m french , i hope u guys understand, just make sure u guys know what we are taking, monday testosteron propionate 1cc and enantat 1cc , tuesday trembolone 1cc, wednesday testosteron propionate 1cc, thursday enantate 1cc and trembolone 1cc , friday testosterone propionate 1cc , saturday trembolone 1cc. is this to much for the 1 cycle . thank you again guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by swayzore View Post
    I m french , i hope u guys understand, just make sure u guys know what we are taking, monday testosteron propionate 1cc and enantat 1cc , tuesday trembolone 1cc, wednesday testosteron propionate 1cc, thursday enantate 1cc and trembolone 1cc , friday testosterone propionate 1cc , saturday trembolone 1cc. is this to much for the 1 cycle . thank you again guys
    Good grief! Forget all that and read the stickys. You are in no way ready to start taking AAS.(Steriods)

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