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Thread: bridge cycle help!

  1. #1

    bridge cycle help!

    i was reading up on bridge cycles and thought it sounded interesting. i therefore started to make a plan on what i should do for my next cycle. i will put my reasoning behind my choices. if you think i should swap or remove anything, please let me know!

    height: 170cm
    weight: 80kgs
    bf: ~8-10%
    cycle history: 5*3month cycles in the last 3yrs. have used sus, test e, prop, tren, dbol, primobolan, masteron, deca, anavar... try find the right one for me

    could you guys tell me what you think of this:

    26wks cycle + 4wks pct
    wks1-10 (bulking stage)
    2ml sus250 (got good results last time i used it. weighed up test e or sus)
    1ml deca200 (minimal amount mainly for joints)
    2ml eq200 (mainly for appetite)

    2ml sus250

    wks13-16 (4wks bridge)
    2ml prop100 (fast acting, lower water retention)

    wks17-24 (cutting stage)
    4ml prop100
    4ml tren75 (have used before, i know its power, i want to be shredded!)
    45mg anavar ED (as above)

    4ml prop100

    i will be doing HCG for last 3 weeks (should i use throughout the cycle?)
    PCT after cycle will be nolvadex and clomid, and im HOPING to be able to use peptides as well.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Why do you want to do this? are you competing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    ^^I agree, If you're not trying to stay in a semi competition ready shape I wouldn't run any bridges, unless you bridged with something like tbol/proviron, minimally supressive that would still allow and aid in the recovery of your natural test levels before going back on the rest of your compounds

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Why do you want to do a 26 wks cycle? what are your goals and as the above poster's mentioned are you competing? You have to remember the long the cycle the harder recover in most cases being shut down for 6 months isn't going to be a easy ride in recovery and you could struggling with maintenance which would defeat the object of cycling so long. You also need to take in consideration that longer cycles doesn't mean bigger and better gains.

  5. #5
    I wasnt gonna compete yet, but want my body to be comp ready for the future. If i push myself now is it ok?
    If i dont bulk i want to stay lean. Would i be better off doing just the tren and prop part of the above?
    Goal: be ~85 kg at 4-5% bf a few months after i finish the cycle (so after i lose the usual)
    Last edited by DrSwole; 04-26-2011 at 06:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    if you expect to be 4-5% bodyfat months after a cycle you're expecting way to much. Even the pro's don't hold bodyfat below 6% for any lenght of time. Also u can bet on putting on some fat when you PCT

  7. #7
    Yeh i figured the fat would come then. Diets pretty spot on all the time! Umm out of the compounds i stated, what would be the best mix for good size results with little bloat. Tren and prop with a higher food intake?

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