Before i get to my questions i would just like to say that i have used insulin many many times before and i just want to change things up in a certain way which other members do on here.
I have always done all insulin shots PWO from 15 - 25iu and i do love the fullness and recovery that comes with it aswel but i want to change it up for the midpoint of my cycle. I want to use insulin 2x on training days, One being before breakfast and one being PWO but im curious to know do you take injection right before breakfast in the morning or wait some time before eating? also do i space out the injections? also doses do i use 10iu each dose or stick to same dose i jab PWO?
My cycle will look like this and i will explain it with good detail so you get the idea
Wk 1 - 12 800mg Test e
Wk 1 - 10 400mg Deca
Wk 1 - 14 600mg Eq
Wk 3 - 7 Humalog (PWO usually 15 - 25iu)
Eq is in there mainly for hunger purposes. Deca is for the mass and joint releif. insulin during the middle when most gains start coming along better
I am already bridging from my last cycle and i plan to compete february next year so plz this would help if you can give me a good answer not a NO/CANT/WONT attitude thankyou