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Thread: Body Fat% Question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Body Fat% Question.

    Noob question.

    I see a lot of people asking for advice on here. One of the most common responses I've seen is that people should try and get down to ~15% body fat before cycling.

    Is there a physiological reason for that? Or, is it simply a good habbit?
    Last edited by kmdietri; 04-29-2011 at 12:26 PM.

  2. #2
    I started my cycle atg 29% and I am just finishing here in the next few weeks. My last check was wednesday and it was at 18.5%
    I'm sure I will get reamed for this but, the main reason I started this cycle was to loose BF. Now I have hot lost a pound in the process fo the gain at this point is questionable if it's water. Whatever I have had check ups at the doctor and all is well. My PCT is around the corner and I can wait to start another cycle at the beginning of winter.

  3. #3
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    Before everyone gets on here and tells you a higher BF will lead to gyno (which isn't necessarily true), the main reason, imo, for cycling at a respectable BF level is it shows some sort of dedication to diet and training, and also will enable you to get the most, aesthetically, from your cycle. Most average users use to "look better" and that's fine. But you're not going to look good when you still have a large layer of fat covering any LM you may have hidden under there.

  4. #4
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    My perspective on the issue excludes aesthetic concerns.

    There is a very important physiological reason for dropping BF to a certain level, that may be regarded low to normal.

    Endocrinologists claim that the lower your body fat percentage, the more effective your testosterone-ester injections will be. This claim is of course based on experimental research. At any rate, studies show that body fat inhibits the rise in the blood testosterone level after injections are given, meaning fat reserves have an inhibitory effect here. AAS users with high BF react less well to testosterone, as this is observed on the LH levels. Researches also indicate that the testosterone injections may also take longer to become effective in fatter males.

    In conclusion, any potential AAS user is better off lowering BF before cycling for more than one reason.

  5. #5
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    i juiced at 22-24% bf and ended up at around 19%.. Test melts fat about as well as it builds muscle.. it is all personal choice really.. i did notice that the estrogen sides where much higher than when i was younger and cycled at about 14% BF and ended up at 9% Bf... i would have dropped the fat first had i not already known that i am not prone to estrogen sides

  6. #6
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    another thing worth noting is if you are at 25% BF you might not realize you are getting gyno until it is too late since you already basically have bitch tits from the fat

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i juiced at 22-24% bf and ended up at around 19%.. Test melts fat about as well as it builds muscle..
    This very claim might start a shitstorm

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Before everyone gets on here and tells you a higher BF will lead to gyno (which isn't necessarily true), the main reason, imo, for cycling at a respectable BF level is it shows some sort of dedication to diet and training, and also will enable you to get the most, aesthetically, from your cycle. Most average users use to "look better" and that's fine. But you're not going to look good when you still have a large layer of fat covering any LM you may have hidden under there.
    well said

  9. #9
    If you can loose BF% in diet don't do AAS now, I think (not sure, no proof founded) that it is bad for your heart because if you have a bf around 30, your heart is not that good and with AAS it can be wrost. I'll take a look in other parts of the forum to found you the answer that you need.

  10. #10
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Thedud3 View Post
    If you can loose BF% in diet don't do AAS now, I think (not sure, no proof founded) that it is bad for your heart because if you have a bf around 30, your heart is not that good and with AAS it can be wrost. I'll take a look in other parts of the forum to found you the answer that you need.
    stick to reading kiddo, please

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    stick to reading kiddo, please
    what a usefull answer thanks its helpin a lot!!!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thedud3 View Post
    what a usefull answer thanks its helpin a lot!!!!
    we dont need inexperienced 19yr olds throwing around 'advice' it creates more harm than good

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kmdietri View Post
    Noob question.

    I see a lot of people asking for advice on here. One of the most common responses I've seen is that people should try and get down to ~15% body fat before cycling.

    Is there a physiological reason for that? Or, is it simply a good habbit?
    you'll 'see' the results more at a lower bf. plus, being at a high bf isnt good aas or not, your're open to a host of health probs which aas can also further aggravate

  14. #14
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    The aromatase enzyme is primarily found in fat cells...So guess what that means when you inject test at a high body fat %? Much more of it will be converted into estrogen. This is exactly why estrogen side effects are typically more pronounced in those that are at a higher bf %. Not to mention it will also be harder on your body (ie your heart).

  15. #15
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    I like to have a big and thick build. I do power lifting and strongman. i keep my body fat between 15-20%. i still have plenty of shape to my body but only very faint abs and a few veins. My visual changes in my physical appearance looked better when i cycle leaner but that's been my only complaint

  16. #16
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    IMO, Low BF% steroid user giving higher BF% user advice is like a Newbie giving a pro body builder advice. Rjlag1025 and Machine5150 both are essentials to threads like this because they are just sharing personal REAL experience. Don't mean to start S#^$. Just my opinion here but, we all know how this forum reacts. Here WE go!

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