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Thread: I need help!!!!

  1. #1

    I need help!!!!

    So this will be my second cycle ever. My guy dropped of the gear but didnt really give my a solid cycle nor how to stack. im a big time novice in the roid game but i spend alot of time in the gym. if anyone has alot of knowledge on cycles and how to stack i really would like your input. the juice is contained in small glass vials with pierce able tops. here is what he gave me!!!!

    3- Test E
    2- Tren A
    2- Deca
    2- Mast
    Come on guys, i know somebody can help! Beast Mode engaged!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I dont even know where to start..... maybe you could start by providing stats?? Did he drop of a pct as well?

  3. #3

    I need help!!!!

    What kinda stats u need boss? Whats a pct? Im a rookie bro!

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastMode206 View Post
    What kinda stats u need boss? Whats a pct? Im a rookie bro!
    something you should have done afta your 1st cycle.

    this is a mess from the start


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    What is your....
    Body fat %

  6. #6
    post cycle therapy? i bought some shit off of ********** peptides after my first one. this time he dropped off "cabergoline"

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    post your stats and age or you wont get help

  8. #8
    not sure % i got probably 20lbs of extra fat on my stomach. lean legs and arms.

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastMode206 View Post
    not sure % i got probably 20lbs of extra fat on my stomach. lean legs and arms.
    then put a pict up, i can tell you now tht your guy just dropped off stuff tht aint much good to you, mast is for sub 10% bf cycles and tren a aint very advisable for someone on a 2nd cycle and unsure of what pct is

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    then put a pict up, i can tell you now tht your guy just dropped off stuff tht aint much good to you, mast is for sub 10% bf cycles and tren a aint very advisable for someone on a 2nd cycle and unsure of what pct is

  11. #11
    ill put a pic asap boss. i did mast and tren the first cycle he gave me and i was 20lbs fat heavier.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by BeastMode206 View Post
    ill put a pic asap boss. i did mast and tren the first cycle he gave me and i was 20lbs fat heavier.
    didnt get the cough! lol

  13. #13

    I need help!!!!

    here we go!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fat me 1.jpg 
Views:	104 
Size:	848.7 KB 
ID:	115340   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	fat me 2.jpg 
Views:	97 
Size:	792.4 KB 
ID:	115341  

  14. #14
    finally got a hold of em...... does this cycle look right?

    Test - 1cc to 1.5cc every 4 to 5 days
    deca - 1cc every 4 to 5 days
    mast - 1cc every other day
    tren - 1cc every other day
    winny - 1cc oral twice a day

    Start Test and deca
    week 5 or 6 start tren and mast
    Start winny 2 weeks later
    make sure you stop the deca 3 weeks before you stop the test.

  15. #15
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    This is all messed up mate IMO. What are all these componds dosed at per/ml...?? And how long are you planning on running this so called cycle? Looking at your pics from my phone isn't very clear but looks like you could do a lot more naturally.

    Don't mean to b a hater but u need to do a lot more research. Hit up the diet forum and check out the educational threads is my advice...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    This is all messed up mate IMO. What are all these componds dosed at per/ml...?? And how long are you planning on running this so called cycle? Looking at your pics from my phone isn't very clear but looks like you could do a lot more naturally.

    Don't mean to b a hater but u need to do a lot more research. Hit up the diet forum and check out the educational threads is my advice...
    agreed!! Thats way too many compounds for one/ tren is not somthing to mess with at this point, and it seems like the diet section would give you much better results

  17. #17
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    OP, not to be mean, but you're not ready for steroids. You need to work on your diet, before you get on cycle. I mean, you need to lose that 20lbs gut you got. You also need to do more looking in to what you're planning to do. Look up beginner cycles and PCTs, but don't follow those sample plans word for word. Use them as a study guide for what you should start looking up individually. Try to make yourself an expert on steroids before you put a single one inside of you.

  18. #18
    OP, not sure where to start here. There is so many things about this that are just wrong.

    1.) You look like you never stepped foot in a gym.
    2.) You don't know what PCT is.
    3.) You have no idea what gear you have or how to take it.

    I'm not trying to be mean but you need to focus on diet and training befor you ever stick a needle in yourself. Then IF your ready you need to read through all these threads and gather up all the appropriate info you need. Save that gear for next year.

  19. #19
    OP, not sure where to start here. There is so many things about this that are just wrong.

    1.) You look like you never stepped foot in a gym.
    2.) You don't know what PCT is.
    3.) You have no idea what gear you have or how to take it.

    I'm not trying to be mean but you need to focus on diet and training befor you ever stick a needle in yourself. Then IF your ready you need to read through all these threads and gather up all the appropriate info you need. Save that gear for next year.

  20. #20
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    I'm with everyone else. Work on your diet first, because you're doing something horribly wrong.
    With a solid diet and training routine, you could achieve SO much more than by taking these drugs and half-assing it like you've been doing.

  21. #21
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    you shouldnt be touching ANYTHING mate. im not being harsh but you dont even look like you workout at all. start at the beginning and crawl before you walk and walk before you run

  22. #22
    ok guys i need some real advice on this... i have been thinking about taking something for some time now and i really want to "bulk up"... i eat right, have a good diet and i work out 3-4 times a week but i just keep getting cut and i really dont get any results as far as gaining size but im really cut. my stats are: AGE: 22, HEIGHT: 6' 4", WEIGHT: 145 lbs, BODY MASS: 5%, the only thing i take is protien to help gain a lil weight but it just takes so much and yields very little results. i have a very high metabolism. my goal weight is 200 lbs so im 55 lbs away... i want something that will bulk me up and get me there quick, but also won't kill me in the process... lol i have been looking at dianabol or aka "dbol" because of the claims that it is the best bulking steroid on the market... i need all the suggestions i can get... THANKS, Dustin

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by djwalley13 View Post
    ok guys i need some real advice on this... i have been thinking about taking something for some time now and i really want to "bulk up"... i eat right, have a good diet and i work out 3-4 times a week but i just keep getting cut and i really dont get any results as far as gaining size but im really cut. my stats are: AGE: 22, HEIGHT: 6' 4", WEIGHT: 145 lbs, BODY MASS: 5%, the only thing i take is protien to help gain a lil weight but it just takes so much and yields very little results. i have a very high metabolism. my goal weight is 200 lbs so im 55 lbs away... i want something that will bulk me up and get me there quick, but also won't kill me in the process... lol i have been looking at dianabol or aka "dbol" because of the claims that it is the best bulking steroid on the market... i need all the suggestions i can get... THANKS, Dustin
    Eating food every once in a while might help. In all seriousness, you don't eat right or have a good diet, because you're 145lbs and 6'4. I don't care what you claim, you're not eating enough. I also don't know what your training regimen is, but you might want to alter it and eliminate any cardio. I seriously doubt you get 2500 calories per day, much less enough to bulk with. So work on that instead of taking steroids. Besides, you're 22 and too young for juice.

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