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Thread: UNproportioned...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles Area


    I've been dialing in my diet, workout routine, and sleep routine for over a year now. I spent a good 10 months eating well and lifting very hard. My chest, traps, and back have become large, but my arms, fore arms, and shoulders haven't grown as significantly. My workout was a 5 day split: chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs. I am a tall guy (6'-3") and have always had some flab unless I do tons of cardio, in which case I lose mass and become too skinny. My workout was 3 heavy sets of 8-10 to failure, did 4-5 different workouts per muscle group. Now I'm cutting down, but I'll be trying to grow more by the end of summer. How can I try to increase the biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders, without overworking or neglecting the chest and back?

  2. #2
    I have been told that you should give a rest between workout days like for instance. If you do a tricep day and then the next day do chest you are working your tri's again and doing shoulder and arms next to once another is the same concept.

    I do it like so

    M-Back & cardio
    W-Arms & Cardio
    Fri-Chest & cardio

    Also if you are doing tons of cardio and losing muscle it makes me want to know more about your diet, age, height, weight and your macros in your diet because I would want to say you aren't getting enough nutrient/protein/carbs to substain your muscle mass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    I have been told that you should give a rest between workout days like for instance. If you do a tricep day and then the next day do chest you are working your tri's again and doing shoulder and arms next to once another is the same concept.

    I do it like so

    M-Back & cardio
    W-Arms & Cardio
    Fri-Chest & cardio

    Also if you are doing tons of cardio and losing muscle it makes me want to know more about your diet, age, height, weight and your macros in your diet because I would want to say you aren't getting enough nutrient/protein/carbs to substain your muscle mass.
    SO i guess you just forget about shoulder and legs?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles Area
    I'm 26 yrs old, 6'-3" tall, currently 250 lbs. I've done the circumference type body fat test and the pinch fold tests, I'm in the neighborhood of 22% body fat. Its expected to lose mass with lots of cardio and a calorie deficeit diet, but I have been super active in the past (21-22yrs old at the time) and I weighed 195lbs or so. I wasn't trying to get huge then though, so my diet sucked. Now I eat breakfast, small bowl of whole grain cereal, protein shake after that, some fruit for another snack, sandwich or left overs for lunch, protein bar or yogurt or cheese snack, workout, protein shake, and dinner (which is usually fish or chicken and green veggies like asparagus and salad). I don't count calories or how much protein vs carbs vs fats like I should, but I don't eat fast food, drink soda, and my only bain is alcohol, which I've cut down to one or two nights a month (i know, still not healthy).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles Area
    i'm sure I could mix in shoulders with arms on that schedule, its just that shoulders take a lot of energy from me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Im 6'3" 26 and 235 pounds and im about 11% bf. By your stats id guess your bf a little higher than 22%. First if your looking to drop some BF id recommend cutting out all milk and dairy products such as your cheese. Also, post your complete diet up in the diet section and start from there, it could use some help. By dropping down closer to 10-3% bf you will start to see more definition in the body parts your believe are lagging. Just looking at the info you posted about your diet id suggest eating much more protein, eat atleast 6 full meals a day, not just snack like fruit. Each meal should have protein, and either carbs or healthy fats.

    Workout wise id try switching up to a 4 day split. MT ThF. My split is as follows:
    Monday Shoulders/tris
    Tuesday Back
    Wednesday off (cardio and abs)
    Thursday Chest/Biceps
    Friday Legs
    Saturday off (cardio abs)
    Sunday off (cardio)

    With that split you hit the major muscle groups once a week, with the exception on you bis, tris, and indirectly shoulders, which are all hit twice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Los Angeles Area
    Right now i'm just on a 4 day split:

    Chest and Tri's
    Back and Bi's

    I work two jobs so I have difficulty getting some schedules to work for me, like Thursday my workout can only be about 40 min long. I switched to trying to cut fat though, so I'm doing 4 sets of 10 reps at slightly less weight than before (ie I did 3 sets of 8 reps @ 100-105lb dumbell press, now I'm doing 4 sets of 10 reps @ 90 lbs) and resting less time to keep the heart rate up. I will usually hit a tread mill or stationary bike after my workout if I have time and energy (usually two days a week consistently) for 30-45 min. I just don't have genetics working for me in the awesome bod department so I don't want to spend a decade figuring out what works best for me. I'll put the time in, but I'd hate to work so hard for little difference forever.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    As others have said, I believe your arms are being hit too often. My prefered layout is chest & tri's, Back & calves, shoulders & bi's, legs & calves. training mon, tues, thurs, fri. Usually train abs with back.
    Your arm muscles aren't as big as other muscle groups, and are heavily involved in things like bench pressing and pulling movements. For bi's i'd just do standard barbel curls and dumbel curls, nothing flashy just these 2 simple mass builders. For tri's do tricep pushdowns and lying tricep press ( with barbel not machine). Shoulders, try dumbel shoulder press, side laterals, bent laterals, and shrugs.
    As mentioned by other posters, your diet is far from ideal, try the diet forum for that.

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