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Thread: 14 pounds up but is my gear fake?

  1. #1

    14 pounds up but is my gear fake?


    I'm about 6.5 weeks into....

    Weeks 1-12 test e 500 mg
    Weeks 1-12 hcg 500ius
    Weeks 1-12 stane 12.5mg eod
    Weeks 1-8 anavar 70mg

    And was wondering if my test is real or fake? I am up 14 pounds but have no sides what so ever, nor do I get the feelings every body talks about ie more confident, hard on when the wind blows, the urge to ride every bit of skirt I see.

    So I was wondering if it's possible that the 14 pounds increase has come from the other bits as appose to the test?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Between your girls thighs
    its possible but i doubt it. 14 lbs is nothing to shake a stick at.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    It can effect different people in different ways, so dont go by side effects go by results. 14lbs sounds like your gear is just fine to me.

  4. #4
    No I know, it's just as this is my first cycle with injectables I was expecting more maybe (only ever used anavar), bf has not increased and I'm deff bigger, I was maybe just expecting to much... Saying that tho, ppl are saying I'm getting loads bigger... I think I may need to stop looking in the mirror every 5 minutes, kinda like when u go on holiday and u can't notice urself getting a tan

  5. #5
    When u think about it logically guess ur right Marcus, ppl respond to everything in different ways... Ie, alcohol, normal medications etc..

    Cheers guys

  6. #6
    Same here man, I had almost no sides with my test e first cycle. Size and strength are how I knew, o yea my nips got gyno for a few days (which is a big side) I just forgot about it after running an AI.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2010
    Took 7 or 8 weeks for my libido and strength to come with my first test cycle, but then it was like a switch flicked and I was on top of the world, lifts were insane, fantasized obout banging all day in strange places sporting wood 5 or 6 times a day it was so nice I extended my cycle to 15 weeks and still didn't want to end it lol.

  8. #8
    Haha... I have enough gear for 15 weeks...shud I, shudnt I?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by azizi123 View Post
    Haha... I have enough gear for 15 weeks...shud I, shudnt I?
    just run your cycle as planned

  10. #10
    Ok ok... But if it happens to me like it did u... Il carry on till I'm 45

  11. #11
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by azizi123 View Post
    Ok ok... But if it happens to me like it did u... Il carry on till I'm 45
    you'll want to.. but be careful. im also 40 and my test levels are on the low side so if i ran a long cycle and screwed the pooch i would have easily jumped on trt.

  12. #12
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    I dont feel "cocky" On test or angry...I have more energy, and I am in a great mood most of the time and My sex drive goes way up! but other then that nothing changes...I think people who say "I get so cocky, and agressive" are full of shit...its called placebo effect. I will agree that my out look on life is great while on cycle and I dont have many bad days! head always held high! but thats about it.

    I have a budy who did a winny only cycle and he said he had to get off because it was making him to cocky and he was raging! haha I laughed and told him he was full of shit lol I think he was talking like 25mg a day for a week before he got off haha

  13. #13
    I'm a young pup at 25...

    Nah, I deff won't abuse it, I'm gonna stick to the 12 weeks... Slight chance of using the remaining 6 amps but wudnt go further than that... I have friends who literally live on test, maybe come off for couple of weeks, do some hcg then back on the test... When tried to educate them they look at me with the look of 'i look better than u, wat u on about' n I think fuk it.....

  14. #14
    See... I have nothing like that, sex drive, energy etc all the same... Only thing is I'm 14 pound up, stronger and bigger

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    my first cycle with test e in never really notice my outlook being different until like week 8. now my second cycle with prop i was hornier than cock in a hen house after a week. and i was in an amazingly good mood everyday. felt great about everything in my life. run this cycle then consider prop the next time around.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    new york
    I was thinking the same thing with my cycle of test cyp. until my blood work came back with my levels sky high for my age 45! In my six wk feeling good but like you said waiting for that real kick to kick in.

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