Here is a picture after my bulk. I was 240lbs at 5'11. I am currently cutting and will post after the cut. Gained alot of fat on this bulk!
Here is a picture after my bulk. I was 240lbs at 5'11. I am currently cutting and will post after the cut. Gained alot of fat on this bulk!
Last edited by verino; 05-05-2011 at 02:15 PM.
Look good man! Good size! The one thing I would work on the next time around is your upper/Inner chest. You have a big chest but your arms dwarf your chest...I have the same problem I find when doing incline bring the bar down do a little high almost at your neck and also to incline fly presses! other then that you looks great! you will look even bigger once you cutt...If you can keep the size you have while cutting your gunna look un real!
p.s what diet are you using? have you tired carb cycling? works wonders!
damn 248??? you dont look over 210lbs in that pic
Id say your 16-17% bf. Great job! What were you weighing before the bulk?
My mistake guys i was 240 in this picture. before the bulk i was around 220.. diet was 10 ounces of chicken of beef each meal with pasta or rice. 6 meals a day.
look solid bro. props for posting a pic
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