Missed these somehow! Is it weird for me to say i'd love to have your muscularity? lol
Pic 1 gets my vote! =)
I love number 3... flexing next to liquor bottles... priceless! lol Im also printing number 5 and hanging on my wall in my bedroom LOL
By hanging to your wall you mean gluing right? lol test just gets the best of all of us.
Bah-cah-di + Bee-ah Pong = Biggah Biceps. that was my best arnold impression... i figured thats what
him and lou also did after hittin the ganj! LoL, you are hangin it up huh? Youre going to take down your David
Hasselhoff poster...just for me?![]()
Ewwwww! -laughing my balls off right now... if i had any.....
holy smokes looking good!, i swere ive seen you online before also...you a well known pro model right? i wont say it but does your name also start with a 'k'?
pic 1 is my fav!
Thank you for the compliment. Yes i am a pro fitness model, however we like to remain anonymous on these boards, thanks
LMAO!!!! i KNEW it, u into hairy chested man meat. i KNEW it.
Last edited by WastedTalent09; 12-15-2010 at 12:37 AM.
I'm jealous of pic 4 and in love with pic five lol
Great physique.
I'm liking pic two, I think, just wanna touch the guns..., no brunette shots to choose from here though![]()
Great work to look that good naturally have you been training long?
Hey! Thank you for the compliment, LayEZ! I worked my arss off for many years! I have been training
for 11 years, since I was in high school. An ex boyfriend from high school got me into lifting and my bro's
ex girlfriend got me into competing. Haha, cheers to the exes (yea right) LMAO!
Is that u in your avatar?
Pics look great... #1
lots of alcohol on the table, do you ever get to drink? At that bodyfat, I doubt it would take much
LMAO, yes 3 whole shots and its a wonder i remember random fractions of that night... gave my brother a
bloody nose during beer pong... he's a pro wrestler, so I take pride in that LOL he needs to make me a
bleedin nose championship belt or something. I drink maybe 5 times a year LoL! Yep, a pure rockstar. LoL.
Thank you 4 the compliment hun! PS- santa decided to invest in a weight set!? hehe
Last edited by WastedTalent09; 01-10-2011 at 09:45 AM.
I Love your arms and legs! They are smokin! keep it up your amazing![]()
another vote for pic 1... hot damn!!
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