Thought I'd post this in here where people might appreciate it more. The spotter touched the third one so it doesn't count! I'm really happy, had't done this in years!
Thought I'd post this in here where people might appreciate it more. The spotter touched the third one so it doesn't count! I'm really happy, had't done this in years!
Dang, just when I was feeling strong with a few cg reps @ 275. Amazing! thanks for posting it.
big lift. looks strong!
looks like normal bench press to me. My idea of close grip is hands seperated by 6 inches
After doing that, my wrists beg to differ!
Impressive bro.
its def legit close grip, especially when u look at his other vids of him doing regular bench. i generally go just inside shoulder width when i close grip
Very nice!
Definitely impressive pressing power, brotha, good job!!! But (and I've noticed on your other bench press vids), why don't you go all the way down to the chest. That's more of a bodybuilder type bench. Is that your focus?
Well I had a nagging shoulder injury for a long time and it's not so bad when I just stop shy of my chest. I also do it to avoid any bouncing and cheating. But for argument sake, say I was entering a powerlifting meet, it wouldn't be a much of a change, I'd bring it down to my chest no problem and wait for the command.
Just FYI, the torque your shoulder takes when stopping large amounts of weight in mid-stroke puts it at greater risk than taking it all the way down to the chest. After a torn rotator cuff myself, I got that good advice from a couple of world record powerlifters and bench pressers (Jim Vironin, Steve Goggins, Ed Coan). I know the opposite is usually taught to people and a lot of bodybuilders believe this sentiment, but it's simply not true. Now doing rack presses and board presses are similar to not touching the chest, both the rack and the boards take the stress off the shoulder as you are transitioning from descending the weight to the press itself. Just a little advice from a 500+ bench presser with a history of shoulder injuries to another...
Good work. You had a lot more than that in you though.
I know BgMc31, I found it odd too when I first started doing it too, but the fact of the matter is that for the time being it hurts me less when I do it that way. Not like I'll be doing it like this for ever, but it suits me for the time being. My body has taken quite a beating over the years. Just the fact that I'm doing this after all the medical shit I've been through is a miracle in itself!
good lift bro been watching some of the other vids ; really enjoy. looks like your attitude is like mine get strong and let everything else take care of itself. in all the bench vids you notice the guys beside you stop working out just to watch ya!! i was wondering i noticed you lift your head when doing tricep ext., closegrips etc. does it not strain your neck doing this just something i noticed not bashing your tech at all. stay strong
Hadn't really noticed it, I'll check it out from now on lol
That's an awesome lift, bro!
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