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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #641
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    i been follow this thread for a few months now. i don't post much but i did want to say that i been on hgh for about 2 months now. i got some jins that matched up on there site i know in todays world that might not mean shit. but anyway i started out with 2 iu daily and currently using 5 iu 5 on 2 off and i been feeling great my blood pressure went down since being on it. also taking sus 250mg e.o.d that's all i am taking with it is test only. my blood pressure on just the test was an average 130/85- 135/90 not too high but while on the hgh its about 105/65 in the morning and 115/70 in the evening. i did pharm grade gh about 10 years ago and to tell you the truth i do not notice any difference. i sleep better feel better through out my day i think its great. my same source also has kigs which i know some people love some people hate. but i am going to give them a go in about a week when my jins are gone. i will monitor my blood pressure everyday to see if switching brands affect it and since i read about someone on here having extremely high bp on kigs and if that happens i will drop them and back to the jins. i just wanted to share my opinion. thanks

  2. #642
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    Quote Originally Posted by flex25j View Post
    my blood pressure went down since being on it.
    Mine too. It's gone down noticeably like yours.

    Quote Originally Posted by flex25j View Post
    i did pharm grade gh about 10 years ago and to tell you the truth i do not notice any difference.

  3. #643
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    There will be always those two sides, some claim pharm is totally different others say chinese is just as good, as always many sellers involved claiming their HGH is the best. Fact is that in china are alot of fakes, but real gh aswell. And real gh is always the same, no matter where it's coming from. And the red-spot reaction does not prove the GH real or fake in any way... just another bs rumor people seem to be reading somewhere and spreading around without actually knowing what they talk about

  4. #644
    i am getting some kigtropin and have been 0n green tops from china and feel great after being messed up. I have read alot on this bored so to ask is the kigtropoin good? how did you like it? blah blah..... it just is so hard questions like these are like @$$holes everyone gits one.

  5. #645
    Quote Originally Posted by nmber21 View Post
    i am getting some kigtropin and have been 0n green tops from china and feel great after being messed up. I have read alot on this bored so to ask is the kigtropoin good? how did you like it? blah blah..... it just is so hard questions like these are like @$$holes everyone gits one.
    Don't waste your time, money and health

    jing jai

  6. #646
    i totally respect everyones views and are thankfull that there is a place here that i can come and really get a fabulous view of everyones stories ,views and so on..there are those also to play devils advocate tho that cant afford lets say us pharm grade "like yours truely" that has been on the shelf for the last decade and have read many articles and thinks to themselves and say"if i can just get a little bit like these guys who say they feel wonderfull after taking gh" those who have kids that want to play ,run , jump...and thinks to themselfs pretty much i am despreate. would you say take it and wish for the best and expect the worse? I know this is a big issue on here. Again I totally respect and appreciate all that i have read and everyones comments.

  7. #647
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmber21 View Post
    i totally respect everyones views and are thankfull that there is a place here that i can come and really get a fabulous view of everyones stories ,views and so on..there are those also to play devils advocate tho that cant afford lets say us pharm grade "like yours truely" that has been on the shelf for the last decade and have read many articles and thinks to themselves and say"if i can just get a little bit like these guys who say they feel wonderfull after taking gh" those who have kids that want to play ,run , jump...and thinks to themselfs pretty much i am despreate. would you say take it and wish for the best and expect the worse? I know this is a big issue on here. Again I totally respect and appreciate all that i have read and everyones comments.
    Your going to have to try and write something a bit better to understand, ive no idea what your trying to say, sorry.

  8. #648
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your going to have to try and write something a bit better to understand, ive no idea what your trying to say, sorry.
    I think he's trying to ask if non-pharm grade gh is worth the gamble if you want to achieve the results but can't affort pharm grade?

    jing jai

  9. #649
    correct sorry for the scattered thoughts

  10. #650
    This thread is probably the most straight to the point on HGH. Having recently finished reading the ENTIRE thread, I wanted to make two points:

    1) If members interested in HGH could afford pharm grade, we certainly would buy it. What I have read indicates that the price of Pharm grade essentially doubled since around 2004 in the US and has increased ever since. The price of Pharm (even from discount online pharmacies) is approximately 800% greater than whatever it is that China offers per IU. I understand both sides of the argument and would have to call into question myself how it is possible for China to produce anything real at such a fraction of the cost of all other manufacturers in the world ( I have even seen quotes from HGH produced in Mexico- it is still atleast 8X more). But the point remains. The price difference is tremendous. And for people like myself, the Chinese products remain the only choice because of this.

    In light of all of the effort and time that has been spent on this thread, the purpose of this thread should be to seek to definitively prove whether or not real & safe hgh products do exist in the lower tier price range. If they do not I am wasting my time and I will never be able to take HGH because I cant afford it.

    2) A lot of consideration has been given to IGF factor 1 tests. I myself had an IGF 1 test done to establish a baseline in anticipation of buying hgh from China and testing its legitimacy myself. I postponed my decision to order because of this thread. Xtralarg and Marcus have been extremely kind and helpful over the past few years in wading through the issues that surround chinese hgh. A full read of this thread has given me a lot of respect for several other posters as well. I believe this thread has unfortunately gotten away from its original purpose. No IGF tests by respected members of the community have been posted in quite some time. In response to a point made primarily by Marcus- that IGF may be added into the compound I must say that this is a legitimate concern. I would point out however that research will show that IGF-1 increasing compounds are not themselves cheap to manufacture by any means. Faking hgh by adding large amounts of compound that otherwise increased igf-1 could theoretically prove just as expensive than simply synthesizing the hgh in the first place. I would like very much to see any additional information posted on this.

    I also wanted to point out, having just gotten my baseline test done, that a blood "growth panel" measures many more factors than simple IGF-1. My test said that it literally measured the level of HGH in my bloodstream. The test was done by quest diagnostics and factored in several different levels of hormones (and other stuff i know nothing about). My test was ordered by a very normal Dr's office as a result of me asking for an HGH prescription.

    The point is this: Tests that examine a broader array of factors that contribute to tissue growth could absolutely help prove or disprove the legitimacy of HGH. I would very much like to see those trusted members who defend the legitimacy and safety of Chinese HGH, request a "growth panel" test- or anything else that would display and measure additional factors that effect growth- this would go a long way in establishing the legitimacy and viability of affordable hgh.

  11. #651
    very well said

  12. #652
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    IGF-1 LR3 is very cheap in China, its not expensive.

  13. #653
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    IGF-1 LR3 is very cheap in China, its not expensive.
    That's if you're lucky enough to get IGF-1! Most of the stuff they put in is dangerous, as you know I have first hand experience of it!

    jing jai

  14. #654
    A sponsor over at is offering to stand for the costs of testing his HGH at a lab.

    So if any of you guy know about a lab that offers testing of drugs/hormones, its a good oppertuneti to get a real answer about Chinese HGH.
    Just thought I spread the word..

    I just hope I don't brake any rules.


  15. #655
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    What's the easiest way to test your GH legitimately? I wish there was some way of telling the difference? I use the blues at 6iu/day but was always curious as to how it would stack up to others.

  16. #656
    It might take a bit of trouble- but I can find a way to scan, make anonymous, and post the "growth pannel" lab test that i had done- it literally displayed a hgh level in the blood so I see it as being a very definitive test. As I said I did the test as a baseline and may have some trouble convincing the Dr to run another one once/if i get some chinese hgh. Is there interest in exploring additional blood tests of this nature that could prove more thorough? Perhaps an advocate of chinese hgh could ask their doctor for a similar test- the one I had done posts both my score and shows that score plotted between a high and low number that represent a "normal" range. If someone with access to the chinese stuff could take a full- dr ordered growth panel test, it could prove very definitive.

  17. #657
    Quote Originally Posted by jgbody View Post
    What's the easiest way to test your GH legitimately?
    I would suggest going to your dr's office as I did. My dad has a prescription for HGH and he loves it. So i just asked my Dr if he would consider prescribing me. He said almost definitely not as i am too young, but I asked if we could just look at my levels as i do a lot of physical exercise- so he ordered a growth panel test - i describe it above.

  18. #658
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    An actual HGH blood test, particularly a single one or two tests, generally do not give an accurate indication of an individual's HGH production because the natural release of HGH comes in pulses. HGH blood levels naturally rise and fall dramatically during a 24 hour period.

    As far as determining whether an injection of HGH is effective, it would be logical that a blood test about an hour after injection should show an elevated level of HGH in a blood sample.

    However, it's my understanding that because naturally produced HGH produced by the pituitary causes the liver to produce IGF-1 in response to its HGH release, the IGF-1 test is medically accepted as an accurate inferential indication of an individual's average HGH production.

    The general argument by some on this forum suggest that HGH from China has "additives" that will raise IGF-1 in the blood, making Chinese HGH appear to be genuine but is not, thereby making the IGF-1 test as a benchmark for HGH use invalid. With all due respect, I do not agree with that theory.

    I am concerned about the purity of the Chinese HGH. However, I have been consuming HGH for almost two years and the only negative side effect from my current use of Chinese HGH is the negative response from those on this forum who claim that there is no such thing as genuine Chinese HGH ?!?
    Last edited by JimInAK; 05-30-2011 at 04:38 PM.

  19. #659
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    hgh test are not accurate because the of the reason jimInAK posted, many times when people have these test different reading are very common, I would also stay clear of IGF test because generic labs are also adding IGF into their hgh and passing off as real gh. One of the best ways to get your hgh tested is to seek a lab what will analyse your gh powder this will give you an accurate reading of your gh if its really 100% hgh.

    Ive been using pharm and generic hgh for over 15yrs and there is no comparison IMHO I'd seek pharm grade. I would never use generic hgh again even if it was free.

  20. #660
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    Love my Chinese generic. Just received my 6 new kits.

    Getting great results. Been using them for almost two years now. I have dropped two waist sizes with no change in diet. My blood pressure has gone down, my skin has improved, I have tons of energy and feel wonderful, libido has improved, mental acuity has definitely improved.

    Great value!!

  21. #661
    I used Omnitrope for one year.The cartidges contained a lot of bubbles, when I told the pharmacy about that ..they just didnt know why,when I asked if I can talk to the pharmist , they told me "no he isnt here".So I thought I pay them over ( we cant talk about prices?) each time and they cant even help me with that ? It looked to me it was 50% water and rest Growth hormone and I also didnt got any improvement except I got less fat. When I called the Dr who prescribed me the HGH and asked him about it ( also about how many times he keep forgetting things ) he told me wel "if you dont like , then look for another DR ".Seriously WTF he pay him all the money on earth and thats why he said to me ?!!

    So let get the facts right here ; first of all, you don't get prescribed HGH other then anti aging clinics and for me NEVER AM I GOING TO A ANTI AGING CLINIC ANYMORE AND PAY MY ASS OF WITHOUT RESULTS/HELP/NOTHING.They can be also fake ass hell.You're not going to get it from a hospital.

    I have been using chinese HGH DIRECTLY from the manufacter and got much better results while paying much less.

    SYLVESTER STALLONE A MILLIONARE, he can buy all the hgh in the U.S by a anti aging clinic BUT NO , he gets it from china too> Jintropin.


  22. #662
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    Sounds like your pharm grade Omnitrope was either faked or way underdosed.

  23. #663
    exactly! Something you dont except from a pharmacy but now I know that "pharmacy"doesnt mean a thing.I wish I could bring it back and save the thousands I paid while Im broke as hell but at that time I thought "health over everything".

  24. #664
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    ^^^ ps: I wasn't too keen on my Omnitrope either and I called the pharmacist and told them and the doc I thought it was watered down or something not right. Basically I felt bloated but I did have the great dreams!
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  25. #665
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    hgh test are not accurate because the of the reason jimInAK posted, many times when people have these test different reading are very common,
    I have just received my first box of rips, used 3iu, and taken an hgh lab test that cost me around 100 bucks. The results put me at a lvl of 5.2 on a cale of 0.5-6.0 -so i am quite pleased with the results.

    I took the test 1 hour and 50 minutes after the injection and i also have a baseline test that i took 6 months ago that placed my body's natural hgh levels just at average (327 on a 50-550 scale). I am not super thrilled that the test I took two days ago uses a different scale than the test that I took previously but I do feel that this test lends some additional serious credibility to blue top rips.

    While I appreciate the comments about the potential inaccuracies in HGH level tests, given the body's natural fluctuations, I would have to stand by the purity in the Chinese stuff that i tested. At 3iu being very near the top of the scale seems very encouraging. I would also like to point out that I took the test two days ago right at 1:30 pm, since i keep a normal sleep schedule, 1pm should not be a time of day for a naturally high hgh level. IMO the levels that were measured on me were simply too high to be explained by fluctuations anyway.

    I would very much appreciate feedback on this as I am considering buying more of this same stuff.

  26. #666
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    The test which you score 327 on, was most likely an IGF-1 test. This is the test I use to determine if what i have is genuine. There are those who argue that such a test is invalid, and that Chinese put IGF in their otherwise fake or spoiled and sub-standard product. I do not agree with that opinion and have been using Chinese HGH for nearly two years. I am very happy with the quality and results I've obtained. The fact that it costs about 1/8 of the same American pharm product and is available makes the sell for me.

    The rule of thumb that I have found to be roughly accurate is that for every 1iu/day consumed, your IGF-1 blood level increases about 100ng/ml after about a month of use. It may increase more rapidly that that. However, I wait a month to insure that my IGF-1 level has stabilized.

    So, from my way of thinking, if you tested 327 and have been consuming 3iu/day, then i'd expect to see your level around 600-650 ng/ml, if you consume 3iu/day.

    Use of the IGF-1 test is standard procedure by the medical community to determine natural HGH production and effectiveness of your dose.

  27. #667
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muaythaiman View Post
    I have just received my first box of rips, used 3iu, and taken an hgh lab test that cost me around 100 bucks. The results put me at a lvl of 5.2 on a cale of 0.5-6.0 -so i am quite pleased with the results.

    I took the test 1 hour and 50 minutes after the injection and i also have a baseline test that i took 6 months ago that placed my body's natural hgh levels just at average (327 on a 50-550 scale). I am not super thrilled that the test I took two days ago uses a different scale than the test that I took previously but I do feel that this test lends some additional serious credibility to blue top rips.

    While I appreciate the comments about the potential inaccuracies in HGH level tests, given the body's natural fluctuations, I would have to stand by the purity in the Chinese stuff that i tested. At 3iu being very near the top of the scale seems very encouraging. I would also like to point out that I took the test two days ago right at 1:30 pm, since i keep a normal sleep schedule, 1pm should not be a time of day for a naturally high hgh level. IMO the levels that were measured on me were simply too high to be explained by fluctuations anyway.

    I would very much appreciate feedback on this as I am considering buying more of this same stuff.
    Dont be another fooled with generics, they put IGF into their gh vials and the only way to be 100% sure is to get the powder tested, but you have to remember your buying from 2nd rate labs who only have on concern and thats making money and not about quality...

    You really need to try pharm grade gh and then you wont be fooled again.

  28. #668
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    I wouldn't put that pharm grade omnitrope garbage in my body if you paid me to do it.

  29. #669
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    I have done little reading into GH vs IGF-1....

    I may be completely wrong here, but...

    If the main advantages of taking HGH come in the form of increased iGF-1 levels then why not just take IGF-1 if it is a cheaper product?

    Can someone expand on this subject in detail for me please
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  30. #670
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    I wouldn't put that pharm grade omnitrope garbage in my body if you paid me to do it.
    Curious why you say this other than your post above....please explain. I might agree with you~
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  31. #671
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    I want to see one test that shows IGF being sold as Chinese generic HGH.

  32. #672
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    I want to see one test that shows IGF being sold as Chinese generic HGH.
    We don't quote prices, but I have NEVER see a single vial of IGF-1 sold for less than generic Chinese HGH. Other arguments claim that "real" HGH must be biologically active. However, my research has shown that the ONLY biologically active HGH comes from "the hypophysis of dead corpses".

    In my opinion, arguments presented here against Chinese HGH don't hold water. I believe they are based on an individual's bad experiences, which are valid except when they cross the line substituting assumptions for facts.

    The scientific, real world facts prove that Chinese HGH is genuine HGH. Pharm HGH may be cleaner, it may be better or it may not be as good. However, the legality of the issue creates obstacles to obtaining objective facts, while the law enforces the AMAs monopoly and all to often supports their assertions with lies.

    I have no doubt that those here who claim that Chinese HGH is trash, truly believe that it is. My experience indicates that just like oil, HGH is a commodity, it is produced in China and the Chinese product is dramatically cheaper. It's because it's not supported by an exclusive monopoly. They compete for business and have a much lower overhead.

    I voice strong support for Chinese HGH because it is the only product that common people can afford without lowering their standard of living. I have friends that because of principle, they refuse to shop at WalMart. They also make over $100K/year. I shop at WalMart because it affords me a higher standard of living. I am not opposed to buying Chinese products or products from any nation that does not oppress its workers. Workers are free in China. Dollars sent to China must be spent to have value, for products or services from Americans. That's free trade.

    There are issues I'd change, and the first one would be to modify or break the monopoly created by the pharm industry. The laws against Americans trying to be the best that they can be, that limit choices and uphold monopolies are wrong and are the root of this issue.

  33. #673
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    ^^ you really need to try pharm grade lol. You got 2 yrs of experience with generics and thats it. There are mods/vets who have been using generics for 10yrs+ who state generics are crap and not worth the money, ask Ronnie Rowland,BG or extrlarg if you need more qualified people in this area.. You really need to research more because your getting very mistaken with yours....but like I keep saying you carry on using your generics if you happy with them I don't really care but I wont be using them again like alot of people wont be either..

    Best of luck

  34. #674
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    Let's see, just on this page alone, not counting similar posts on the previous pages we have:

    Quote Originally Posted by flex25j View Post
    i did pharm grade gh about 10 years ago and to tell you the truth i do not notice any difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo21 View Post

    I have been using chinese HGH DIRECTLY from the manufacter and got much better results while paying much less.
    The one thing the three people you sight that say pharm is better, all have one thing in common, they are all staff members of this forum (except xtra and he might as well be). All of the people that say generic is as good or better are just regular people sharing their experiences. What makes your staff members more qualified than the people I quoted above? Do they have test data? Are they Doctors?

    Secondly, your assertions that there is no such thing as genuine generic HGH and that they all have IGF in the vials are unfounded. Again, show me one test that backs up your claim.

    Why did you claim that generic is no good because it isn't biologically active when in fact that doesn't even apply to synthetic HGH? That doesn't lend much credence to your "qualifications".
    Last edited by Sc0rch; 06-07-2011 at 01:45 PM.

  35. #675
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    I have no doubt that those here who claim that Chinese HGH is trash, truly believe that it is.
    This is the only point in your post that I'm questioning more and more. The rest of you post is spot on.

  36. #676
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    Of course he will send you some form of real GH but after that what they send out to everyone else wont be the same....they have been doing it for years. Its like when IP sent out the Iranian teste to be tested.....333mgs per amp !!!!!! Holy shit lets buy them, everyone did. Nothing great came so a few people got them tested....177mg per amp. Those Chinese are smart crafty mother fuc'rs. Look IP still sells BD and QV products that havent been produced in over 5 years. Shit he was faking BD when the company was still running, they contacted him and he threatened to kill them.....ya I trust that guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Markosterone View Post
    A sponsor over at is offering to stand for the costs of testing his HGH at a lab.

    So if any of you guy know about a lab that offers testing of drugs/hormones, its a good oppertuneti to get a real answer about Chinese HGH.
    Just thought I spread the word..

    I just hope I don't brake any rules.


    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  37. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    We don't quote prices, but I have NEVER see a single vial of IGF-1 sold for less than generic Chinese HGH. Other arguments claim that "real" HGH must be biologically active. However, my research has shown that the ONLY biologically active HGH comes from "the hypophysis of dead corpses".

    In my opinion, arguments presented here against Chinese HGH don't hold water. I believe they are based on an individual's bad experiences, which are valid except when they cross the line substituting assumptions for facts.

    The scientific, real world facts prove that Chinese HGH is genuine HGH. Pharm HGH may be cleaner, it may be better or it may not be as good. However, the legality of the issue creates obstacles to obtaining objective facts, while the law enforces the AMAs monopoly and all to often supports their assertions with lies.

    I have no doubt that those here who claim that Chinese HGH is trash, truly believe that it is. My experience indicates that just like oil, HGH is a commodity, it is produced in China and the Chinese product is dramatically cheaper. It's because it's not supported by an exclusive monopoly. They compete for business and have a much lower overhead.

    I voice strong support for Chinese HGH because it is the only product that common people can afford without lowering their standard of living. I have friends that because of principle, they refuse to shop at WalMart. They also make over $100K/year. I shop at WalMart because it affords me a higher standard of living. I am not opposed to buying Chinese products or products from any nation that does not oppress its workers. Workers are free in China. Dollars sent to China must be spent to have value, for products or services from Americans. That's free trade.

    There are issues I'd change, and the first one would be to modify or break the monopoly created by the pharm industry. The laws against Americans trying to be the best that they can be, that limit choices and uphold monopolies are wrong and are the root of this issue.
    Do you really, honestly think that the Chinese are taking the time, the proper steps, buying the real materials and have the equipment to make legit GH.........when they can substatute it very cheaply with other chemicals that mimic the side effects caused by GH? Think about their track record with medicine, cars and shit baby toys (lead paint come on !!!!). They dont give a fuc about their own people let alone us, they just want to make money.

    Now Ive been using GH since end of 04' when we were able to order directly from Genci. I ran from 4iu's to 7-8iu's for a year. Let me tell you the results were remarkable. We all know since ORD that the legit labs that produce GH will send to the US, there for there is no standard anymore to compare generics to. This was huge also when SRCS was no longer testing oils , man I had every batch I got tested before that, it keep UGL's honest when it came to dosages. Now without being able to test our gear that powder quality has dropped so much, guys getting bad raws time and time again, this didnt happen before ORD.

    Back to GH. Since ORD I have used browns, blues, reds, hyges and rips. I had some results from the hyges but with all the others nothing!! Some sides but no BF drop, when I was using Jintropins I could eat anything, I was eating so much it was insane and I was at a steady 7% BF. I just ran 8iu's of the hyges for 3 months, I was getting some results, but nothing major. Then I switched to the rips, I ran 8iu's for a total of 500iu's. I got a rash on my chest and arms. My fingers got real tight and I seemed to start holding water, I tried to give it time but I was afraid what I was injecting into me could be doing a lot of harm so I stopped. When I stopped the water dropped off, 2 weeks later I looked way leaner. I was shocked, wtf was I taking. then I just came to realize the Chinese don't give a fuc, they never did. Shit they used to catch cats and use them in the food they sold, these are the ones that live among us, imagine whats the ones across the world think of us. Like I said all they care about is money. We have no way of telling what is in those unlabeled little vials. I can get GH from all the top sources....they are just salesman trying to make as much money as they can.

    I hope one day you get to run real GH and are man enough to come back here and admit we were right. Trust dont know what good GH is.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  38. #678
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    Oct 2008
    BG - I have been man enough to admit that I have never used pharm GH. If I have the opportunity to try it, I will definitely let you guys know what my results are. Much of the value of this forum is sharing our experiences. I've already told marcus on this forum that if I do well commercial fishing this summer, I'd make an effort to try some. I will take blood tests and any other test to determine the difference. I have had a good experience with Chinese GH, as have several close friends. The problem is that pharm GH is difficult to obtain and grossly expensive. When/if I hook up with a fat construction contact or have a good season fishing, then it'll happen. I appreciate your effort to educate me and to share your experience on this forum.

    scOrch - I appreciate that others agree with me and have had similar positive experiences with Chinese GH. However, i don't agree that staff member are less qualified than most doctors, when it comes to AAS or rHGH. The people who give their time and effort here have real life experience and have no agenda to promote either pharm or Chinese products, as this is not a source board/forum. Many Doctors do have an agenda to maintain control of all medicines, while maintaining their control and the monopoly, which equates to huge profits in their pockets.

    I also don't agree that Americans have moral high ground over the Chinese, when it comes to lying, cheating or stealing. We (Americans) have unmatched skills in that department and in many cases have legalized theft under the guise of protecting the public. Where American theft is not legalized, it is protected through the fine art of selective prosecution. If there are creative ways to steal, I'd bet that an American has done it first before any foreigner. We are a nation of great innovators and inventors, for both for good and bad purposes.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my country and the people who live here. It's the politicians that cause the problems and the greed and indifference of too many people who profit from bad laws, that create opportunity for those who lack the moral character to care or the intelligence to know the difference.

    We can't fix those who lack moral character but we can become more educated. That is what this forum is all about.

  39. #679
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    i am on the fence over this issue, but thought i would share this information thinking it could help to further solve the problem. in emailing a certain chinese hgh source, questioning the legitimacy of the product they are selling, i received this response:
    "About authenticity and quality of the product - we encourage you to find
    an independent lab of your choice, which is capable of testing for real 191
    amino acid sequence somatropin (HGH) and have a sample of our product
    tested. We will pay for the testing (refund your money which you paid for
    the testing or send more of our product as compensation). We would also like
    to get the lab result paper so we can publish it as reference for other
    people who ask for such proof of quality."

  40. #680
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Many consider gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (aka: GC/MS) to be the "gold standard" in scientific analysis. Applications of GC-MS include drug detection, fire investigation, environmental analysis, explosives investigation, and identification of unknown samples.

    I know they use this device at refineries to detect different substances within the test samples and drug testing companies claim to use them at their labs, to confirm their less accurate tests. (Although there are issues and complaints when it's been proven that they have not confirmed with GC/MS, such as with the controversy at Federal Express, firing employees after testing them with an inaccurate test and claiming, but failing to confirm with GC/MS)

    This seems to be a more practical way to obtain an independent analysis and the cost of such shouldn't break the bank. A good machine is quite expensive, but once you have one, the test is relatively straightforward. The trick is to provide a clean, uncontaminated sample. If a sample was already contaminated, the test should very accurately reveal that, too.

    Anyone know about this possibility for testing "questionable" substances?

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