I had started at 1 IU 5 and 2. What I thought was slowly, I progressed to 6 IU ED. Slowly was not slowly enough. Had bad sides, shoulders hurting, hands swollen and tight.
Followed some advice from board bros and gals and went down to 2.5 IU. Sides are getting better.
I have not lost any weight (I figured I wouldn't) but I have gone down 2 pants sizes in two months. Overall body appearance is better. Still battiling the gut.
Ended month 2 with a long drive that wore me out and I am still wiped out. Very fatigued and voice is gone. Figure I stressed out my system pretty good.
I'm thinking of adding some peps, as I mentioned in a nother post. Also looking at the b12 injections. Anyone have experience with those?
I will be taking my measurement tonight after 2 months. Should I post em?
Overall I feel a lot better. things that hurt before are not hurting now.....the trade off is the new things that hurt because I ramped up to quickly.
General mood and sex drive are up. Stamina, physically is much improved.
Thought I would share.