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Thread: Peptide PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Peptide PCT?

    Ok everyone, I have about 3 weeks left on my 175mg/sust/EOD, Clen 2 wks on/2 off, hgh blues 5iu daily (2iu am subQ, 3iu bi-lat PWO), ldex .5/day, b12 1000mcg/day(just started that).

    So far I am very pleased with the results, I've finally mastered a cycle without incurring any bloat whatsoever. My body is prone to water retention it seems, so packing on 20 lbs of muscle on my 4th cycle without getting a chubby face was pretty much the highlight of my life. The last weeks are usually the most dramatic, I am eager to see how far I can take it.

    I was planning on implementing HCG now before I start on PCT, what are everyone's thoughts on that? If yes, at what dose/schedule?

    Also, I am staying on the GH for another 4-6 months at least. I am currently at 5iu/day as I stated above, should I bump this up to say 8iu every day during PCT? Theoretically it seems like it would help to retain gains. What are your thoughts on that?

    Lastly, how should I implement MGF and IGF-1 lr3 into my routine during pct and afterward?

    Thanks guys, this forum is my primary resource for information on the net. I appreciate your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Bumpump response? I thought this wouldve been a good opportunity for a vet to strut their stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Gotta be patient.....hold tight.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jgbody View Post response? I thought this wouldve been a good opportunity for a vet to strut their stuff.
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Gotta be patient.....hold tight.
    My apologies. Note to self: Clen and Patience have an inverse relationship

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jgbody View Post
    Ok everyone, I have about 3 weeks left on my 175mg/sust/EOD, Clen 2 wks on/2 off, hgh blues 5iu daily (2iu am subQ, 3iu bi-lat PWO), ldex .5/day, b12 1000mcg/day(just started that).

    So far I am very pleased with the results, I've finally mastered a cycle without incurring any bloat whatsoever. My body is prone to water retention it seems, so packing on 20 lbs of muscle on my 4th cycle without getting a chubby face was pretty much the highlight of my life. The last weeks are usually the most dramatic, I am eager to see how far I can take it.

    I was planning on implementing HCG now before I start on PCT, what are everyone's thoughts on that? If yes, at what dose/schedule?

    Also, I am staying on the GH for another 4-6 months at least. I am currently at 5iu/day as I stated above, should I bump this up to say 8iu every day during PCT? Theoretically it seems like it would help to retain gains. What are your thoughts on that?

    Lastly, how should I implement MGF and IGF-1 lr3 into my routine during pct and afterward?

    Thanks guys, this forum is my primary resource for information on the net. I appreciate your help!
    bumping to 8ius is stupid in my book. 5iu will do just fine, and bro your going to lose some size there is no way around it.

    As far as IGF-1 make sure you use AA to mix and not BW.

    IGF-1 id do 100mcg a day for pct. 50mcg in each muscle post workout and then slam some carbs.

    MGF post workout as well, 250mcg per body part. MGF doesnt seem to work unless run at high doses and during PCT you dont get that great pump anymore so i doubt its going to do much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    bumping to 8ius is stupid in my book. 5iu will do just fine, and bro your going to lose some size there is no way around it.

    As far as IGF-1 make sure you use AA to mix and not BW.

    IGF-1 id do 100mcg a day for pct. 50mcg in each muscle post workout and then slam some carbs.

    MGF post workout as well, 250mcg per body part. MGF doesnt seem to work unless run at high doses and during PCT you dont get that great pump anymore so i doubt its going to do much.
    Thanks for the insight. I read that it is better to take MGF immediately PWO and Igf1 lr3 an hour later? What are your thoughts on that?

    Also, what if I fill my 3 weeks of declining sust after my last shot with var? 50/day? Then start igf/mgf/hgh pprotocol with PCT?

    A little size is ok, I have size to give. Its muscle density and quality I'm trying to preserve.

    Also, when should I run hgh when incorporating igf and mgf?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jgbody View Post
    Thanks for the insight. I read that it is better to take MGF immediately PWO and Igf1 lr3 an hour later? What are your thoughts on that?

    Also, what if I fill my 3 weeks of declining sust after my last shot with var? 50/day? Then start igf/mgf/hgh pprotocol with PCT?

    A little size is ok, I have size to give. Its muscle density and quality I'm trying to preserve.

    Also, when should I run hgh when incorporating igf and mgf?
    How long have u been on HGH?

    Id just slam both IGF-1 and MGF at the same time.

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