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Thread: My first post and some questions...

  1. #1

    Talking My first post and some questions...

    Hello a bit about me first...

    I am 26 years old 5'10 tall and 71kg. I have been lifting weights, running and playing all kind of sports for 10 years...

    4 years ago I started boxing...I never used anabolic steroids, however these last few months I grew tired that all my friends are using them and gaining strength, stamina and power fast (3kg muscle in 2 months are common in my gym!!) while I have been meticulously watching my diet and training VERY hard with minimum power and stamina I have already made the choice...

    I have researched a LOT and a starter cycle to help slightly increase my stamina, increase some muscle, power and help keep bodyfat down I have decided to try out this:

    Winstrol (50mg ED) + Testosterone propionate (100mg EOD) for 8 weeks

    I fight at 69kg (welterweight) so I do not want anything extreme that will build a lot of muscle. I just need a little bit of help that will let me train harder (and ultimately fight harder) and for longer...

    However I am still a bit unsure about PCT (many sources claim many different things). Could you please suggest what you think is best?

    Any suggestions to modify this cycle and further ones are appreciated.

    edit, marcus

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    cant talk about where to get them. ull wanna remove that bit.

    do prop only at 50mg ed for 8 weeks.

    good diet, great diet, perfect diet is what u need.

    u need hcg during cycle at 250-500iu at 2x week untill start of Pct then its 1000iu

    tore pct at 120/120/60/60 *i think those are the right doses for tore, its a 2nd genration nolva.

    or nolva pct at 40/40/20/20

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    read the rules you cant ask for sources

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    please read the rules before posting again, thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    71kg, youre not ready to use gear.

    If youre still that light, your problem lies in your diet. And if you have faults with your diet, steroids will do NOTHING for you. I understand the pressure youre under here but dont approach this situation stupidly. I assure you that if were to lock down solid on your diet, you would be greatly suprised of the results you achieved.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    71kg, youre not ready to use gear.

    If youre still that light, your problem lies in your diet. And if you have faults with your diet, steroids will do NOTHING for you. I understand the pressure youre under here but dont approach this situation stupidly. I assure you that if were to lock down solid on your diet, you would be greatly suprised of the results you achieved.
    Agreed 100%. Get up to ~85KG with 12-14% Bodyfat then cycle .

  7. #7
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    hes a fighter...

  8. #8
    get up to 85kg?! I am around 14% BF. Sorry but you really dont know anything about boxing :-)...I'm a fighter and that is my fighting weight.

    I just want to keep it and add some power/strength/aggressiveness...

    I have started that cycle I posted. My friend sold me some he buys from Biogen labs. He made good improvements with them and says are great value for money..

    Please suggest PCT. Thanks guys!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by buddy13 View Post
    get up to 85kg?! I am around 14% BF. Sorry but you really dont know anything about boxing :-)...I'm a fighter and that is my fighting weight.

    I just want to keep it and add some power/strength/aggressiveness...

    I have started that cycle I posted. My friend sold me some he buys from Biogen labs. He made good improvements with them and says are great value for money..

    Please suggest PCT. Thanks guys!
    I missed the part about being a boxer. Regardless, why would you start a cycle then ask PCT questions ? This is your body, you only have one and if you create permanent damage from steroid use it will remain that way for the rest of your life. This is like jumping out a plane then asking in mid air how do I use my parachute.

    You also need to reread the rules, you cannot mention lab names.

    Finally, instead of people telling you what to do for PCT why don't you read the PCT stickies for yourself then post questions after ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I guess my pct advice isn't good :-/....

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