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Thread: 1GF1Lr3 pinning calves for shin splints?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    1GF1Lr3 pinning calves for shin splints?

    I just finished cycle test prop .75mg ED for 10 weeks and I start taking nolva on sunday for PCT.

    ANYWAY. I have IGF1LR3 and killer shin splints. does anyone know if pinning the calve muscles with IGF is painful like prop is? Do you think it will even help the shin splints at all?

    PS. I hate slin pins. those little effers are painful..the needle is practically dull after you draw from the vial.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    yes, I'm bumping this.

  3. #3
    Pinning IGF is not like Prop at all. Test Prop makes my thigh feel like it's been kicked by a mule. IGF feels like I'm being stung by a wasp but the pain quickly goes away when the injection's finished. Shin splints occur because of the way your foot strikes the pavement when you run or walk. The shin muscle is being torn away from the bone. IGF will do little to nothing for your shin splints.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    As scotchguard said it actually the muscle and fascia being pulled from the bone usually due to a sudden increase in activity or by your running form. I know for me when i havent run in a while i will get them.

    IGF really wont help

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