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Thread: New to this site BF%, D-bol?

  1. #1

    New to this site BF%, D-bol?

    Hey everyone im new to this site and to taking supplements. I have been working out and doing cardio for a little bit now. I want to get into great shape not just average. What do you think my bf% is? I also want to take supps like tren, d-bol and testosterone. good idea or bad? Any advice will do thanks everyone.

    C:\Users\Elvira\Pictures\2011-06-26 001\CIMG1854.JPG

  2. #2
    we can't acces your PC, dude. upload photo on tinypic and give us the URL

    and judging by the way you talk about tren as a "sup", you are far from ready to use steroids.

  3. #3
    Lol seriously..Your going to judge me by that? Obviously you know what I'm talking about regardless of what I call it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    You are correct about supplements. Diet and Supplements is where you need to go.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Erick7337 View Post
    Lol seriously..Your going to judge me by that? Obviously you know what I'm talking about regardless of what I call it.
    Well no im gonna judge you because you want to add the most powerful steroid in existence to your first cycle, without even knowing how you will react to standard components.

    Dont cycle. Of if you are stubborn and will do it anyway, drop the tren. basically just run test. tren is better used as a 4th or 5th cycle, when your body stops growing on weaker components.

    What are your full stats?
    training experience

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