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Thread: the p90x ab ripper x..question

  1. #1

    the p90x ab ripper x..question

    they have you do the ab workout after your main workout..but i was always pretty wasted at the end so i started to do them before my main workout.. is that ok? i was told it by a friend that you would benefit more from the ab workout if you do it after your main workout vs before.. does it make that big of a difference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    probably doesnt matter.

    but the DVD is designed for you to follow it how it structure.

    your call. just keep consistent

    your obvisuoly not trying to build mass otherwise you wouldnt be doing this program

  3. #3
    ok thanks.. and yeah decided i better get my body fat down so i have a good base

  4. #4
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    exercising smaller muscles groups (i.e. biceps) after doing compound exercises like squats results in greater growth because they benefit more from the growth hormone surge. I guess this could be applicable to your situation, plus it's probably safer to exhaust your core after you do your main exercises so you don't hurt your back. But if it works better to do abs first, then i wouldn't sweat it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MastaMan View Post
    exercising smaller muscles groups (i.e. biceps) after doing compound exercises like squats results in greater growth because they benefit more from the growth hormone surge. I guess this could be applicable to your situation, plus it's probably safer to exhaust your core after you do your main exercises so you don't hurt your back. But if it works better to do abs first, then i wouldn't sweat it.

    where did you read this?

    i see people doing arms only day and having great results.

    do you have article links to support your statement?

  6. #6
    If anything negative about doing it before your big lifts like squats for example, your increasing risk of injury b/c your cores already been worked

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    where did you read this?

    i see people doing arms only day and having great results.

    do you have article links to support your statement?
    article: Just after you've trained your legs, you have much more testosterone and growth hormone in your blood. If you then train a small muscle group, it'll grow faster. Norwegian sports scientists at Lillehammer University College tested this theory.

    The 11 male test subjects that the Norwegians used were aged between 20 and 34 and had never done weight training before. For eleven weeks they had to go to a bodybuilding gym 4 times a week. On two days they trained only their left biceps, doing biceps curls, hammer curls and reverse curls. [A]

    On the two other days they trained their legs. The men did leg-presses, leg-extensions and leg-curls. Immediately afterwards they trained their right biceps using the same exercises as they did for their left biceps. [L+A]

    The subjects trained using weights for which they could just manage 10 reps. Before, during and just after a training session they drank shakes containing proteins and carbohydrates.

    When the researchers studied the men's biceps at the end of the 11 weeks, they saw that the L+A biceps that had been trained after the leg training were all significantly bigger than the A-biceps that had been trained separately from the leg training. What's more, the L+A biceps were stronger than the A-biceps.

    Why biceps grow faster if you train them after doing a leg training session first is shown above. After any L+A training session there is more testosterone and growth hormone present in the body than after an A-training.

    T-0 = before training; t-1 = after the biceps training; T-2 = after the leg training (in the A group: half an hour after the training; T-3 = half an hour after the training (in the A group: one hour after the training).

    Danish researchers showed a decade earlier that biceps grow faster if you train them together with your legs. By the way, the Danes got their subjects to train their biceps first and then their legs. [Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2001 Dec;11(6):347-54.]

    The Danish approach may be even more effective than that of the Norwegians, going by other research in which subjects train several muscles in the upper body in different sequences. This research showed that the muscle group you train first grows faster than the muscle groups you train later in the workout.

    If you're thinking of experimenting with this approach, then according to a study done at the University of Connecticut, pre-workout nutrition is doubly important. According to this study a carnitine supplement optimises the testosterone uptake by muscle cells.

  8. #8
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    Anything else?

  9. #9
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    nah thats good i just wanted to see a study. easier for me to believe

  10. #10
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    Well i never would make a statement like that without being able to back it up

  11. #11
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    yeah good. there is a lot of people that do. usually new newbs

  12. #12
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MastaMan View Post
    exercising smaller muscles groups (i.e. biceps) after doing compound exercises like squats results in greater growth because they benefit more from the growth hormone surge. I guess this could be applicable to your situation, plus it's probably safer to exhaust your core after you do your main exercises so you don't hurt your back. But if it works better to do abs first, then i wouldn't sweat it.
    I have to back him up on this one. I read it in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. Being in Nursing school we get those publications at the college library. I now do biceps the same day I do chest and calves and traps on back day. Just started this last week but will let you know if I see a change.

  13. #13
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    ^^ def keep me posted

  14. #14
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    ^^ def keep me posted
    Will do bro.

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