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Thread: Squating to what degree?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Squating to what degree?

    Is it necessary to squat to parallel or below parallel when squatting for BBing? I always try to go just below my knees but I can do less weight this way.

    Also, I saw Nark's video of leg day back in 2009 an he didn't come all the way parallel during his reps, but he was recovering from a back injury so I just don't know which way is best?

    Anyone care to share their preference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Yes sir
    Last edited by Little76; 02-23-2015 at 04:12 PM.

  3. #3
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    Yes IMO. Partials have there place, but not as the prime leg movement.

    I think you also have much greater chance of knee injury from doing partial reps on heavy squats.

  4. #4
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    90* minimum. Otherwise, what's the point? You wouldn't stop halfway through the range of motion on your bench press would you?

    Of course you can do more weight not goin to 90*. I see some guys PILING the weight on the bar and not even getting close to 90*. Like, barely bending the knee They're all wrapped up and grunting/yelling and shit. I'm embarrassed for them.

    I go till my ass hits my heels. That's when I know I'm deep enough. Lol. Watching yourself in the mirror to make sure you get to 90*, IMO, promotes bad form because looking forward or slightly down like that will sometimes cause a forward tilt.

    If your ego can't handle using the weight you need to to maintain proper form and range of motion, go stack up the plates on the leg press like all of the other clowns.
    Last edited by Catch; 07-09-2011 at 09:43 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catch View Post
    90* minimum. Otherwise, what's the point? You wouldn't stop halfway through the range of motion on your bench press would you?

    Of course you can do more weight not goin to 90*. I see some guys PILING the weight on the bar and not even getting close to 90*. Like, barely bending the knee They're all wrapped up and grunting/yelling and shit. I'm embarrassed for them.

    I go till my ass hits my heels. That's when I know I'm deep enough. Lol. Watching yourself in the mirror to make sure you get to 90*, IMO, promotes bad form because looking forward or slightly down like that will sometimes cause a forward tilt.

    If your ego can't handle using the weight you need to to maintain proper form and range of motion, go stack up the plates on the leg press like all of the other clowns.
    thank you

  6. #6
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    ive so enjoyed the new growth since starting to go 90

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Depends on your personal preferance I guess. Most days I go ass to calfs when I do my squats. But sometime my legs get stiff because of all the walking I do at work even with constant stretching so I will sometime do box squats instead where I put a bench under me when I go down.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    Depends on your personal preferance I guess. Most days I go ass to calfs when I do my squats. But sometime my legs get stiff because of all the walking I do at work even with constant stretching so I will sometime do box squats instead where I put a bench under me when I go down.
    Sounds like an interesting gym...

  9. #9
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    "Partial reps equals partial development" -

    -Milos Sarcev

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Sounds like an interesting gym...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catch View Post
    If your ego can't handle using the weight you need to to maintain proper form and range of motion, lower the weight.

  12. #12
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    There are two groups of people in the gym. The ones who feel cool b/c they stack up plates, and make 'em move by doing something that vaguely resembles a lift, and those who put on the number of plates they can lift properly to get the real bodybuilding benefit. I'm not gonna pretend I don't care what other people think when they look at me working out, but I would rather have the people who know what they are doing look at me and think "good form, that guy is for real" than have a bunch of people who don't know look at me and think "wow, that's a lot of plates".

  13. #13
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    So this is not good form?

    Nark is so coveted on this board for his nutrition advice. Surprised that he does squats like this?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    So this is not good form?

    Nark is so coveted on this board for his nutrition advice. Surprised that he does squats like this?

    tht aint a squat

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    tht aint a squat
    That's what I was thinking. I was thinking, man with a belt and partial reps I could hit much more weight, but would it be worth it? Would I see gains?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    That's what I was thinking. I was thinking, man with a belt and partial reps I could hit much more weight, but would it be worth it? Would I see gains?
    nark is doing partials there, deliberately. worth it for its reason i spose, but i was a powerlifter so its alien to me

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    That's what I was thinking. I was thinking, man with a belt and partial reps I could hit much more weight, but would it be worth it? Would I see gains?
    for some reason it seems like you WANT to do quarter squats, or are trying to get somebody to say they are good
    honestly, they get you no where, except on the ground when you switch to full squats

  18. #18
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    Wish Nark would chime in. That's not how I do squats that's for sure.

    If you are not used to full squats what happens when you go past the comfort zone? You will fall on your ass with a lot of heavy weight on top of you.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Wish Nark would chime in. That's not how I do squats that's for sure.

    If you are not used to full squats what happens when you go past the comfort zone? You will fall on your ass with a lot of heavy weight on top of you.
    I remember him saying something about a back issue. He is doing high rep work, also we have not seen the full workout....he may have been finishing off with these...

    Partials have there place...

  20. #20
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    some claim partials are to develop the tear drop, although i dont see how doing full squats wont as equally

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifter65 View Post
    for some reason it seems like you WANT to do quarter squats, or are trying to get somebody to say they are good
    honestly, they get you no where, except on the ground when you switch to full squats
    No, I am just questioning it because I've never seen squats done this way and Nark is ripped to shreds, and I respect him a lot. That is all, sir.

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