So after over 3 months post op on my torn pec tendon my doctor is contacting my endo to have my growth hormone levels checked bc of the pain that is still ongoing. I currently use percocet prescribed by my surgeon for pain control. So the big question in reality is the fact that my doctor doesn't know that I am lifting and juicing based on what I tell him but I think he suspects that I am back on bc he asked me about it today when he saw my acne. So knowing this and knowing that I most likely have no gh deficiency I really want prescribed pharmaceutical grade gh bc it seems to be the safest way to get it. So the question I pose is this: is there any way to significantly alter my endogenous gh/igf levels for the blood test to make it look deficient? I realize maybe being at a disadvantage for that based on using aas which could possibly elevate igf levels especially since I am going on tren soon.