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Thread: Girl at the checkin counter at my gym always makes it awkward

  1. #1
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    Girl at the checkin counter at my gym always makes it awkward

    I've been going to a new gym for almost 2 months now and the 3 guys that are usually at the check-in counter are always like hey bro or hey sup tbrah

    but there is one girl that is there sometimes and I swear it's so ****ing awkward.

    It's the same thing every time I try to avoid eye contact except for the split second where I hand her my keys and then I usually stare at the floor and she gives them back without exchanging any words at all.

    Should I just say hi to her next time if she doesn't say anything to me or should I just leave it alone?

  2. #2
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    man up and say hello to the girl................she wont bite yer head off lol.............

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  3. #3
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    What are ya 4 Just say hello the worst is that she won't say anything back to you.

  4. #4
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    I'll say hi but she's gonna think it's weird because I have been doing this scince I signed up and all of a sudden I'm gonna break the pattern

    I hope she doesn't tell the other people and they all laugh at me everytime I go in

  5. #5
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    I would love to live a life where my biggest worry was saying hello to a girl at a check in counter. It's or word that takes less than a second to say. She probably hasn't said anything to you because you seem weird coming in and staring at the floor.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBrah View Post
    I'll say hi but she's gonna think it's weird because I have been doing this scince I signed up and all of a sudden I'm gonna break the pattern

    I hope she doesn't tell the other people and they all laugh at me everytime I go in
    Just wear a shirt that says hi and point to it when you walk it. That way you font have to do anything socially abnormal like saying hello

  7. #7
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    You gotta get your confidence up man. Your the one making it awkward by staring at the floor. Say whats up, make some small talk. Who cares if people laugh at you.

  8. #8
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    Treat her like one of the bros

  9. #9
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Treat her like one of the bros
    but has a vagina!

  10. #10
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    So should I say hi or whatsup does it matter? I don't even know what I would say to her after that but if I started making a conversation she would know I planned it out.

  11. #11
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBrah View Post
    So should I say hi or whatsup does it matter? I don't even know what I would say to her after that but if I started making a conversation she would know I planned it out.
    its easy, say hello and make small talk..youll know

  12. #12
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    Step one: say hello

    Step two: let her say hello back

    Step three: run before she sees your evil plans to hold a conversation

    Ok in all seriousness just start out with step one and after step two take your key tag back and go work out. Then on your way out say "have a good night/afternoon/day"

    Are you wanting to try and date this girl or just not have awkwardness when you go to the gym?

  13. #13
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    I don't think she will date me. I have tried with about 11 girls on fb which is all I know and have good convos going and then it always ends when I make an effort to ask them somewhere. I've just been doing skype shows with girls from a cam site and it's sort of like a date I think.

    I'm just trying to make it not awkward.

  14. #14
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    also there is this girl that I knew from my first year of highschool that says hi to me and smiles when she sees me working out there

  15. #15
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    You need to Zyzz her!

  16. #16
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    zyzz and supaturk are my idols but I was not aware zyzz was a verb lol

  17. #17
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    In the Gym, if i could
    put your headphones in before you get there, or act like you are on the phone..

    you know we have a 18 yr old rule on this site right??


    say hey bitch go make me a samwich...

    again.. jk
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  18. #18
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    In the Gym, if i could
    ok, maybe this will be helpful..

    go in, ask her if you can take her pic so that you can use it in an avatar..
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  19. #19
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    Increase your testicular fortitude mate.

  20. #20
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    Ok dude. Just say "hi, how is your day going?" as you clock in or whatever... then when she reply's "good" just give her a closed mouth smile and swagger away.

    Real simple start.

    Next time you can move forwards with more small talk. Ask her why she likes working at the gym? Ask her if she meets many interesting people there? Then make statements why you enjoy going to the gym, and how you enjoy meeting different people as well because it's exciting!

    Feel her out, I bet she's the kind of girl who likes excitement, and who has a testy type personality. Take a chance bro!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    ok, maybe this will be helpful..

    go in, ask her if you can take her pic so that you can use it in an avatar..
    And she will ask if you are a movie producer if she is a blonde, telling you that she has that movie on DVD. Tell her yes and baffle her with BS and you'll be GTG. lol

  22. #22
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    I ****ing hate having aspergers I've come to the conclusion I am physically incapable of having a normal conversation with a girl outside of a ****ing internet chat.

    I'm the biggest I've been right now ****ing looking great doing my shit and some girl I met at a bbq for a guy at work like 3 weeks ago and her friend come up to me and try to make small talk offer to spot me and I didn't make any eye contact and gave 1 word answers until they just walked away.

    I'm not trying with this shit anymore people should just leave me the **** alone and let me do my shit.

  23. #23
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    Bro just put your situation out there and let people take it or leave it. If you hide and don't tell anyone then yeah, you are gonna seem weird. But if you were my friend and I knew you had aspergers and I invited you to a bbq I would tell the other people you have autism and then they would understand.

    If a girl comes up to you to talk to you like they did when they asked if you wanted a spot, just tell them flat out "Sorry, I am not good at talking sometimes." When they ask you why tell them you have autism. Some will be like ok and walk away or not know how to respond (which is what would happen anyway) but some will know what that is and work around it.

    If you can somehow get across to people that you want to talk to them you just are not good at it then some will understand.

    Next time you walk into the gym just look at the girl and say hi. In fact, say hi to every single person you see tomorrow. Look at people in the eyes and practice a smile in the mirror.

    Can you have a conversation with family or close friends?

  24. #24
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    Dude are u serious? You aren't a dog that's about to get beaten ... quit looking at the floor for one. Do you have a problem looking other people in the eyes too? Looking people in the eyes shows respect and that you take them seriously and expect to be taken seriously.

    Relax a little ... this isn't some girl at the bar, talking with a group of her friends, that you're approaching trying to start a conversation with and may strike out. She works there and it's her job to be nice to the customers. I'd probably just say hey I've gotta tell you this joke about my penis ... ahhh forget it ... it's way too long!! Start by making some eye contact for one and smile even if you dont say anything. Honestly a smile goes a long way without any words. She'll probably smile back and you can say hi. After the first time you speak you can start saying hey what's up or hey how's it going when you come in and keep the smile going. And don't say it like you're trying to f*** the girl ... ur just saying hey what's up like you would to anybody else. Be relaxed and stop thinking about how much you like her. Work on just being comfortable enough to say hi and before you know it you'll probably be chatting it up with her and making her laugh. Good luck bro.

  25. #25
    number twelve's Avatar
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    reading the OP's post makes me sick!! man up son!!!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Bro just put your situation out there and let people take it or leave it. If you hide and don't tell anyone then yeah, you are gonna seem weird. But if you were my friend and I knew you had aspergers and I invited you to a bbq I would tell the other people you have autism and then they would understand.

    If a girl comes up to you to talk to you like they did when they asked if you wanted a spot, just tell them flat out "Sorry, I am not good at talking sometimes." When they ask you why tell them you have autism. Some will be like ok and walk away or not know how to respond (which is what would happen anyway) but some will know what that is and work around it.

    If you can somehow get across to people that you want to talk to them you just are not good at it then some will understand.

    Next time you walk into the gym just look at the girl and say hi. In fact, say hi to every single person you see tomorrow. Look at people in the eyes and practice a smile in the mirror.

    Can you have a conversation with family or close friends?
    My conversations with people are never fluent even with family. I don't tell anyone about it. I get a sense that some people can pickup that something is off when they talk to me. Girls have called me out on it asking if I had add before. For the most part it goes disguised though.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBrah View Post
    I ****ing hate having aspergers I've come to the conclusion I am physically incapable of having a normal conversation with a girl outside of a ****ing internet chat.

    I'm the biggest I've been right now ****ing looking great doing my shit and some girl I met at a bbq for a guy at work like 3 weeks ago and her friend come up to me and try to make small talk offer to spot me and I didn't make any eye contact and gave 1 word answers until they just walked away.

    I'm not trying with this shit anymore people should just leave me the **** alone and let me do my shit.
    Ok so maybe you should seek professional help considering you came on here and asked for help and now your telling everyone to leave you alone and let you do your shit.

    Skype does not count as a date nor does any other online chat.

    The girl at the counter is not making it awkward, you are.

    If you wanna talk to her take the advice given above and ask how her days going. I seriously think you need professional help. (no an online chat with people claiming to be dr's does not count)

  28. #28
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    This is a troll thread right?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz View Post
    This is a troll thread right?
    I'm thinking so. Atleast for the sake of the op I really hope so.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I'm thinking so. Atleast for the sake of the op I really hope so.
    it doesn't matter

  31. #31
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    You guys missed the point about him having aspergers.

    Listen bro, just tell people. It will get it out there and then once that happens you can move past it. People don't like knowing something is off but not knowing what it is; it makes them uncomfortable. You will NEVER be able to move past something that you haven't reached yet. Get it out there then answer any questions people have about it and you WILL move past it. I have worked with people with autism before and I know how hard it is. You clearly want help because this is your second thread about it. Help people understand then everything can be worked out. Tell people bro, you already did on the internet.

  32. #32
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    This thread has got to go to the "Hall of Fame"

  33. #33
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    OK... I'll cut you some slack. I checked out your profile and you are 18. Sounds like you are still trying to figure out women, and that's all right.

    For now, forget she is a girl, and just say hello as you would anyone else. It's polite, and in all likelihood, she will say hello back.

    I'm assuming it's akward for you, really, cuz she's cute?

    So this becomes your new pattern, of just saying hello.

    Can I tell you a little "trick" to open up to women when it's akward? (I used to do this)

    just one time, go up to her, and tell her you don't ordinarily do this, and it's real akward, but you are ten cents short of getting a bottle water. Can she lend you a dime and you'll pay her back next time?

    So you get to talk to her about this, and again when you "return" the dime. If this works out well, you can repeat this akward request. Pretty soon, it will turn into a joke, and you will approach her, and before you say anything, she'll know, and then say... "what, another dime?" but here is where you can turn things around. Tell her "NO", i'm good there, but i must admit I feel like a cheap skate always borrowing chump change off you. Can i make it up to you and take you to lunch some time?

    yeah, i know, it's cheesy, but it has worked (not at a gym) a few times at work, and ended up dating a few women that way.

  34. #34
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    Ask her if they sell jock itch cream.

  35. #35
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    Haha, if the guy is 18, cut him slack!

    Listen TBrah, you obviously cant carry on like this forever, otherwise one day you'll walk into the place and see some other guy getting her number or have her eating out of his hand.

    Make some small talk, say hi, remark if its a busy or quiet day, see how she responds to that and take it from there.

  36. #36
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    It sounds to me like you have this perception of yourself and are projecting it onto other people. Some of them probably ARE thinking what you believe they're thinking, but only because you're putting that energy 'out there'.

    I know how you feel; I have this problem somewhat myself, although not to the extent that I can't say hi to somebody. I just get the idea that some people find me weird, but I realize it's because I find myself weird.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    OK... I'll cut you some slack. I checked out your profile and you are 18. Sounds like you are still trying to figure out women, and that's all right.

    For now, forget she is a girl, and just say hello as you would anyone else. It's polite, and in all likelihood, she will say hello back.

    I'm assuming it's akward for you, really, cuz she's cute?

    So this becomes your new pattern, of just saying hello.

    Can I tell you a little "trick" to open up to women when it's akward? (I used to do this)

    just one time, go up to her, and tell her you don't ordinarily do this, and it's real akward, but you are ten cents short of getting a bottle water. Can she lend you a dime and you'll pay her back next time?

    So you get to talk to her about this, and again when you "return" the dime. If this works out well, you can repeat this akward request. Pretty soon, it will turn into a joke, and you will approach her, and before you say anything, she'll know, and then say... "what, another dime?" but here is where you can turn things around. Tell her "NO", i'm good there, but i must admit I feel like a cheap skate always borrowing chump change off you. Can i make it up to you and take you to lunch some time?

    yeah, i know, it's cheesy, but it has worked (not at a gym) a few times at work, and ended up dating a few women that way.
    Who the hell carried around dimes anymore? Pay phones even cost more these days... lol

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    OK... I'll cut you some slack. I checked out your profile and you are 18. Sounds like you are still trying to figure out women, and that's all right.

    For now, forget she is a girl, and just say hello as you would anyone else. It's polite, and in all likelihood, she will say hello back.

    I'm assuming it's akward for you, really, cuz she's cute?

    So this becomes your new pattern, of just saying hello.

    Can I tell you a little "trick" to open up to women when it's akward? (I used to do this)

    just one time, go up to her, and tell her you don't ordinarily do this, and it's real akward, but you are ten cents short of getting a bottle water. Can she lend you a dime and you'll pay her back next time?

    So you get to talk to her about this, and again when you "return" the dime. If this works out well, you can repeat this akward request. Pretty soon, it will turn into a joke, and you will approach her, and before you say anything, she'll know, and then say... "what, another dime?" but here is where you can turn things around. Tell her "NO", i'm good there, but i must admit I feel like a cheap skate always borrowing chump change off you. Can i make it up to you and take you to lunch some time?

    yeah, i know, it's cheesy, but it has worked (not at a gym) a few times at work, and ended up dating a few women that way.
    great advise grand pa she will think he is weird and broke

  39. #39
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    if you have aspergers, go seek some counseling with a professional. don't be ashamed of it at all, it seems as if you are. get it out in the open with others so they can understand and everything will go a lot smoother. as for the chick, always, always smile, it goes a long ways!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    I work the gym part time.....we do say hi back...or at least I do.

    We're just normal gals....doin our job

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