Missed that....
I would have you follow a High Intensity, Low Volume Upper/Lower Split....
It would consist mainly of basic compound lifts with a few of my tweaks here and there...
Smaller bodyparts such as Arms and Calves may be supersetted.
Sets would all be to failure (you will warm up well and then get to work), some sets would be beyond failure and some sets will be further than that!
Reps would be in the 8-12 range and some sets would be as high as 50 reps.
The routine would focus on Progressive Tension Overload via small weight increases (on the bar/machine) week in week out.
The routine would be periodized, would include blasts for 6-10 weeks and deloads when required for 2-4 weeks.
Just a few things I believe are Key and if done correctly will work well