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Thread: sus 350, balancing test levels

  1. #1

    sus 350, balancing test levels

    I'm thinking of doing my first cycle and have come across a brand of sustanon test 350 with the following profile:

    Per 1 ml;
    Test Acetate 50 mg
    Test Cypionate 100 mg
    Test Undeconoate 200 mg

    I've researched the brand and i trust it, but i could find very little info on these types of test, other than cypionate. I have nolvadex on hand and have learned about half times, completed charts and fooled around with the numbers to figure out the best dosing to achieve a near constant aproximate testosterone level. The problem is that all that math may mean nothing because the half lives of acetate and undecanoate seem to vary from source to source.

    Does anyone know the true half lives or these two ethers?

    My original plan was to do test prop to see how i would react to different testosterone levels and then be able to start pct quickly, but things have change due to availiblilty.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    in theory acetate should be injected eod

  3. #3
    Does anyone have experience with this type of sustanon? According to the numbers, in order to acheive a decently constant blood level i need to have a 3ml first dose, followed by a 1ml dose at day 4, then 1ml every week. This keeps my testosterone levels between 30 and 50 mg a day (being new i don't want my test levels to be more than 350 mg a week), and the changes are less than 10 mg over a three day period. A 3 ml dose seems intense compared to what i've been reading as far as others cycles go, but when dividing the free testerone produced by the half life times for the individual ethers this keeps me at a constant 35 to 50 mg of test per day from day one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    your making it harder on yourself then you have to. A little flucutation is fine. It happens normally in your system. Honestly most people would inject that 2x per week. So if you wanted to do 350mg do .5cc on monday and .5 on thursday. If you really are stessing about it do .25ml every other day.

  5. #5
    that makes sense, being that the acetate is the fastest acting test in this sustanon 350 formula, but with every 50 mgs of acetate i inject i would also get 300 mgs of slow ethers. (i wish i was able to get just acetate or prop for my first cycle, things would be much easier). but with injecting everyday, the gradual build up of test freed from the slow ethers would put me way over the top as far as over all test levels, wouldn't it?

  6. #6
    sorry that reply was for your first post

  7. #7
    thanks that answers things for me, .5cc on monday and .5cc on thursday sounds good. i was trying to to keep fluctuations within 10 mls because it seemed from what i had read that alot of the problems with mood swings and acne stemmed from large fluctuations in hormonal levels. i read somewhere that the average male produced between 7 to 11 mgs of test per day, and so i was trying to keep things within a 10 ml variance. what about front loading? would having a large first dose help kick start things or would that just be hard on the liver?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    it would have no effect on your liver. There are mixed opinions on front loading. I def dont think you need to.
    do you have pct planned out?

  9. #9
    my original plan for pct was based on a 8 week test prop cycle and included only nolvadex combined with store found naturals, but now that i'm stuck with test sustanon my cycle will need to be longer, and so i am thinking of changing my pct aproach. any suggestions?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you can run this cycle for 10 weeks.
    i would use nolva and clomid

  11. #11
    yeah i was thinking about adding clomid, with the test prop cycle i was sure i could get away with just the nolva, but i might as well cover all the angles, now that i'm extending the cycle a little. thanks man, i know newbs can be annoying and alot of what is asked can be researched, but an experienced opinion is a great asset.

    one thing i've noticed from the forums is that slow acting ethers can result in greater losses in gains due to the waiting period between the last injection and the start of pct therapy. maybe not for everyone, but there seems to be a link generally, and so i am thinking that if i get my hands on that test prop i'm going to switch over to it near the end of my cycle. this should keep my testosterone levels within my target range closer to the end of my cycle just before i start pct, instead of waiting while the undecanoate ethers slowly wither away.

    i'm going to post my results on this forum, there doesn't seem to be much test undecanoate info out there and so i sorta feel like my own test subject lol. right now i weigh 200 lbs give or take, and when training hard i can gain a solid 15 pounds in 2 to 3months, due to muscle memory i suppose. i'm 32 now and every spring i usually hit the gym and muscle out, with varying results depending on how dedicated i feel. i've reached as high as 235 lbs lean and 245 lbs not so lean, but i was already heavy through the winter when i reached these highs, so the 2 to 3 month training period still always produced a 10 to 15 pound gain. with using test i'm hoping to gain much more. also, with the introduction of steroids, i feel as if there has been a new spark in my old routine. i'm excited again about something that has become something of a formula, do this set, these reps, take this eat that, now i have a totally new variable involved and i feel that old steadfast determination and excitement coming back again.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the ester is just the time release. So there is more out the on the more popular esters or the ones made individually not in mixes. I've never seen undecanoate by itself. Just remember is you do prop its alot more injections. Which is fine as long as your comfortable with it.
    I've never seen a correlation between keeping less on longer esters. The reason you wait to start pct is because the test is still effective in your system longer because of the longer ester.

    No problem bud. You can tell you have done some research. You probably over analyzed things. But better to know more then less. Def post how you make out

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