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Thread: Need experienced info on cyp deca tren var cycle

  1. #1

    Cool Need experienced info on cyp deca tren var cycle

    I've got my hands on the above and am looking to run a 12 week cycle. I am thinking of running cyp the full 12weeks at about 800ml/week. I thought about running deca with the cyp for the first 45 days at roughly the same amount, and then running 100ml EOD of tren for the remainder of the cycle. My question is, should I maybe eliminate the deca altogether and run tren a for longer, adding Anavar for the last 30 daysat 60mg/day, or is that too much tren a? Ive ran tren a a couple of times with sweats as my only side, but only for 40 days with cyp, with great results. What do you guys suggest? Just looking for some hard muscle gain.


    5'9" 185 pounds
    11% bf

    Thanks for any info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Kind of a waste to run Deca for 45 days, don't you think?
    How much tren did you use last time?
    What about PCT?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I like the idea of the cycle, but i suggest running Sustanon when u switch to tren so u dont have the added water weight, and I also wouldnt pin Tren longer than 6 weeks given the possibility for sides ( although u havent had any yourself.....yet )

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    and 6 weeks of Deca isnt a waste depending on how much gain you wanna get out of it... ur still getting a good 3 weeks of work out of it, plus the time that it takes to get out of the blood stream, and yea, what PCT

  5. #5
    Basically I have 30 cc cyp 250, 15 cc deca 250, 20 cc tren acetate 100, and Anavar. My possible cycle looks like this:

    Weeks 1-12 cyp 800ml/week
    Weeks 1-6 cyp 800ml/week
    Weeks 6-12 tren acetate roughly 100ml EOD
    Weeks 9-12 Anavar 60mg/day.

    PCT: HCG and Clomid

    I do want to gain some quality size but am wanting to avoid as much water retention as possible. So do you think that 60 days of tren a is too much?? Should I maybe keep this stack the way it is but add 20 more days of tren a (60 days rather than 40)? I've heard that I'd probably get a way better result this way from a couple of guys I train with, but I'd rather do my research on here and see some other opinions. Thanks again
    Last edited by nickfromvancity; 07-17-2011 at 11:41 AM. Reason: Mistake

  6. #6
    I meant to write from weeks 1-6 deca 250 at 800ml/week

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I dunno dude, for something so heavy on sides, i personally wouldnt run it for 8 weeks, thats jus me... and if youre concerned about water weight why do u have Cyp or Deca? hahaha, dont get me wrong i love them, jus not for your goals, especially towards the end, you can run 1000mg of the cyp for 6 weeks with the Deca (at a lower dose IMO) and then switch to prop with the tren, since ull be pinning ED or Eod anyways

  8. #8
    I think I'll play the safe card and just do my original plan with the 40 days of tren. I love cyp and tren combo! I've done the combo twice with a pretty solid diet plan. Last time I added Anavar at the end and got even better results (the best stack ive ever done!) The deca was given to me so I thought about throwing it in my cycle, just dont know what to expect with it, never used it. As for prop, tried it twice, and can't stand not being able to get out of bed or even roll off a bench because of the ache! Anyways thanks for the info, cheers

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    hahaha, i know that feeling all too well right now, but recently i started moving the plunger a bit more slowly as per dec11's advice and the pain is virtually non existant, but remeber that there'll be less water retention with the sust, its the middle, jus sayin

  10. #10
    You make a good point Devil Doc, maybe I should look into running Sust instead of cyp for the last half of my cycle. I might have thought about running it the whole cycle but I just bought a15cc bottle cyp. Was planning on grabbing another cyp when needed, but I think I'll switch it up when I do to Sustanon, see how that works. Im just used to running cypionate as my base, might be a good idea to switch this time around. I haven't done Sust in years, should be interesting!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    im sure that ur body will like it =) plus it still has test-E which is also a long ester so i think itll cure ur cypionate "withdrawls" hahaha

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i dont get any less bloat from sust then cyp. Also dec for 45 days is a waste. Save it for another time

  13. #13
    Yeah, I think I'll get rid of the deca, give to a buddy or something. What would you recommend I run with the cyp for the first half of my cycle?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you dont have to run anything besides the test.. And i would run the anavar up to your pct.

    1-12 cyp
    5-12 tren
    10-14 anavar

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i dont get any less bloat from sust then cyp. Also dec for 45 days is a waste. Save it for another time
    Agreed.....if anything i retain more water on sust

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    Quote Originally Posted by nickfromvancity View Post
    You make a good point Devil Doc, maybe I should look into running Sust instead of cyp for the last half of my cycle. I might have thought about running it the whole cycle but I just bought a15cc bottle cyp. Was planning on grabbing another cyp when needed, but I think I'll switch it up when I do to Sustanon, see how that works. Im just used to running cypionate as my base, might be a good idea to switch this time around. I haven't done Sust in years, should be interesting!
    Never plan on getting the rest of your gear midcycle......always have day 1-pct in your possession when you start

  17. #17
    I'm not worried about getting my gear all at once, I have everything but the last bottle of cyp, which isn't difficult to find, just have to wait a few more days for it. My cycle starts today. I grabbed my PCT before anything. I think I will go solo with the cyp like you say. I enjoy cyp so why change a good thing I guess. Sustanon does cross my mind though, would it be a bad thing? What could I expect with a sust/tren/var stack? Would it be pretty similar to cyp/tren a/var?? Sustain is a bit more expensive too, would it be worth it?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    When all is said and done you could expect the same out of sust/tren/var as cyp/tren/var in my opinion. There may be small differences....the sust would kick in faster, but allot feel with the less stable blood levels from sust cause more sides and water retention

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